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They have a fast growing influence and recruitment rates of any terror group before them with recruits from the US, UK and many other developed countries. Al Qaeda has spawned Al Shabaab, Boko Haram and now Isis. The world is not ready to fight this type of threat because of its ideological nature. The world in its civilization would want to sit down at the round table with these guys and negotiate a truce... have a peace talk with them. The West truly does not understand that these guys want total and complete annihilation of all non-Muslims and moderate Muslims as well. Until this happens this war will never end (at least in the perpetrators mind).
The world can never accept that spirits have influence over people, and that the spirit world also has its own agendas that it seeks to realize through human agency. But what has been written in the Scriptures must be fulfilled, much as we might not like to hear about it or even consider it... much darker times are coming up ahead for the whole world when "men's hearts shall fail them because of fear" (Luke 21:26). Terrorism is rooted in terror (extreme fear). This dark cloud will spread all over the globe, and fear along with it. The rider of the Pale Horse in Revelation 6:8 was named Death, and Hades followed after him. These spirits are released for the sole purpose of terrorizing and murdering as many people are possible.
Luke 21:16 And you shall be betrayed also by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends. And they will cause some of you to be put to death.
Luke 21:17 And you shall be hated by all for My name's sake.
Jesus Christ testifies of these times that they will even "cause some of you to be put to death." This didn't just happen at the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, it is actually already happening globally to many underground churches today. The rest of the church is "underground" in peaceful countries... false peace. As long as we are producing our worship CDs and DVDs, and we have "seeker-friendly" programmes then we get this false sense of accomplishment. These days the world comes to church for entertainment... to watch our concerts, production and dances. We have slogans and sayings but the rubber doesn't really meet the road.
Friends fear is coming... we need to be militant and offensive with the gospel and not hide behind empty religiosity. We love talking about ruling and dominion, but is that all Christ died for? We must, in our hearts, be willing to lose everything including our possessions, families and even lives. We must constantly check our hearts and minds against this and weep for our own loss. Jesus told the women of Jerusalem "do not weep for me but for yourselves and your children", why? Because He knew that "Yea, all who want to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." We have become theologians, debating the latest fads and revelations. "Will the church go through the tribulation or not" we ask. But I wonder how that Christian man in Sudan would answer this question - having been castrated without anaesthesia and then crucified on a tree... just for loving the Lord.
The West is going to be overwhelmed by the next wave of of terror because they truly don't know how to fight it. Their civilization, laws and human rights advancements are going to be their own enemies... by the time they realize for sure what is happening it will be too late. The church cannot sleep, what is coming is coming, but we can stand and the true power of the Kingdom of our God will be seen. Our true power is LOVE... this completely casts out fear.
We cannot afford to be antagonistic with each other or with those who are our enemies (even though we are not theirs). The toughest thing is to love these people... how do you love a terrorist who has just beheaded a fellow Christian? These are the things the "helper" (Holy Spirit) does. I know that God wants to train our hearts to LOVE deeply and illogically. He wants to train you to be a loser... to learn to lose your rights, dignity and pride and not be affected at all. A lot of relationships in the church right now (globally) are in shambles! So much pain and hurt and more pain. Pastors and ministers giving up. When they meet it is just awkward because they no longer drink from the same Spirit. This is your training ground... can you forgive completely? If you cannot forgive those who gossip against you, it is going to be kinda difficult forgiving most of the acts that the church (global) is going to witness. All the hardships now are opportunities for the divine to manifest in you in forgiveness, love and reconciliation.
Fear is coming, but love is already here! You and I are the agents of love. Prayers are good, but only the love of our Father within us can overcome all terror. One has to be so overcome and overwhelmed by divine love to be able to say... "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
So many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord are suffering right now in countries which do not accept our Lord. May we keep them in our minds always and not forget ourselves in our successes and comfortable lives. The only good thing about the coming wave of persecutions will be the unification of the church... so beautiful! Petty doctrinal differences will seem, well, insignificant. Finally we can get real.
We must conquer fear with God's love!