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The fact
that you are here, alive on this planet is proof that God loves you. He created
you and put you here for a reason. In all
His dealings with you, He has your best interest at heart. He so desires to
have a healthy relationship with you, a Father child relationship with you and He
has made provision for that to be a reality for you today. He is not against you, He is for you.
For far too
long religion has misrepresented the true Nature of God, painting Him out to be
nothing like He really is. He is not waiting for you to mess up so He can
strike you down, He is not looking for opportunities to make your life miserable…No, no, no…
On the contrary, He is waiting for you to realize
how much He loves you and how He’s made it possible for you to become His Child. That is, by believing in Jesus and what He did by taking the sins of the entire world, yours included, and dying on that rugged cross – resurrecting three days later – just so you
can be a brand New Creation reconciled to God and begin to relate with Him as
your Father. He so desires for you to know Him, only then can you truly know yourself and enjoy the abundant life He has in store for you.
When Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father, this is what Jesus said:
9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? – John 14:9 ESV(emphasis added)
Jesus is the perfect representation
of God the Father. So if we want to know what God looks like and how He acts, we
would do well to take a closer look at Jesus and how He conducted Himself.
Paul the apostle was inspired by the Holy Spirit to
reiterate this truth and so he wrote:
9 For in
Him (in Christ Jesus, that is) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily – Colossians 2:9 NKJV (emphasis added)
He loved, taught, healed and blessed people, He welcomed
the outcasts and those considered not socially desirable like the tax
collectors and “sinners”. Heck, the Pharisees, a self-righteous religious bunch complained about Him in Luke 15 saying "this man receives sinners and eats with them"; His response to them revealed the Father's heart towards us through the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son.
Now that’s exactly what God is like! Isn’t He awesome!
His harshest words were reserved for the political and
religious leaders of His time who had so misrepresented God to the people and had
them bound with empty religious rituals.
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Source: Google Images |
Be encouraged, God is for you not against you. He loves you
just the way you are and He is not shocked by anything you’ve done, He knows everything
about you and He loves you with an everlasting, perfect love. His loves towards
you doesn’t fluctuate, it is always perfect. His arms are wide open to you at
all times.
Believe in the Lord Jesus and begin to experience His promise of eternal and abundant life now. Blessings!