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If you believe in Jesus and confess Him as Lord then you are in
warfare. This warfare is not physical, though some of its effects may be
visible in the natural, this warfare is spiritual, it takes place in the unseen
realm. The battlefield isn't out there somewhere above in the skies or in outer
space or some "heavenly realms" as some think. The battlefield is in
our minds. This warfare is basically between truth and lies, between what God
says and what the Devil says about what God says. Jesus is the Way, the Truth
and the Life; the Devil is a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
It is in our minds where the enemy seeks to establish and perpetuate strongholds. Why? To gain access into our lives to execute his murderous schemes. A "stronghold" can
simply be defined as a mindset - that is - HOW
ONE THINKS about something or someone. The verse "As a man
thinketh in his heart so is he"...comes to mind.The enemy's chief weapon of choice is not so much temptations to commit certain "sins" as some think, it is “False Teachings”, after all he is the Father of lies. False Teachings are teachings which are a mixture of half-truths and outright lies - a deadly concoction! Any teaching that seeks to add to or take away from Christ Jesus and what He did to reconcile us to God is a false. Any preaching or teaching in which Christ Jesus is but a footnote, as lofty or as deep as it may be touted to be, is to be considered suspect and must be tested in light of the teachings of Jesus and His early apostles.
Our thoughts directly
impact our lives. For example, if a child of God has a “poverty mindset", it
doesn't matter how much money they get, sooner or later, they'll just end up right
back in poverty. It is not because there is a legion of demons secretly stealing their
money (could be...but highly unlikely ;) ), I submit to you that it has more to do with HOW
THEY THINK about themselves,
they cannot see themselves being anything else other than poor and destitute, always
in need and consequently they make decisions that lead them there...Now such thoughts are a stronghold in their minds, obviously established by the lies of the enemy. Now that "poverty mindset" needs to be demolished and that is done by renewing the mind, ie. making that mind "new again" aka "re-new-ing" it to get it thinking in line with the person's true nature and identity - that of a beloved child of God.
A fairly simplistic example I know, but you get the picture, right?... Right!
A fairly simplistic example I know, but you get the picture, right?... Right!
No wonder God through the
apostle Paul instructs us to renew our
Do not
conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve
what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Rom 12:2 NIV (emphasis added)
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; - Ephesians
4:23 KJV (emphasis added)
You see beloved, if the
enemy can get you to think the way he wants you to think concerning any area of
your life, then you've already lost the battle there. He'll even let, if not
encourage you to sing all the victory songs and choruses, confess and claim
blessings all you want but as long as your mind is not renewed to align with
the teachings of Christ, you'll continue to languish in defeat in that area of
your life.
We renew our minds by changing the way we think to align with the way God thinks. That is done by allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, in all wisdom, of course. Only then can we experience true godly transformation.
Renewing our minds enables us to see ourselves the way God sees us and then go on to live from that vantage point. Beloved, you are perfectly loved by your Heavenly Father, not only that, He loves you to the point of making you His very own child and dwelling place - His Temple. Meditate on that and watch all the fear-filled, negative, doubtful, accusing and condemning thoughts fizzle away. Blessings!
We renew our minds by changing the way we think to align with the way God thinks. That is done by allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, in all wisdom, of course. Only then can we experience true godly transformation.
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Source: Google Images |