Monday, July 22, 2019


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Beloved, whatever you are going through, do not yield to fear, be it fear of man or fear of failure, fear of death or even fear of the unknown... do not entertain it, not even for a second and do not even try to rationalize it, it's never ok and it certainly doesn't belong in you.

Fear in any area comes from believing a lie in that area. It originates from the father of lies who seeks to incapacitate us any way he can but thanks be to the Spirit of Truth in us, we are not ignorant of the enemy's devices. The Spirit of God in us assures us that we are God's dearly beloved children and that God is for us, so who can be against us? The Scriptures are replete with "fear not" exhortations.

In Christ we are righteous and that gives us boldness before God, we really have nothing to fear! "The righteous are bold as a lion" as the Good Book says!

Giving in to fear is to forget your true identity as a beloved child of God - and that's not good. 

Remember that your heavenly Father who loves you perfectly and eternally has not given you the spirit of fear, instead, He has given you the spirit of love, power and a sound mind (also translated as self-control).

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Giving in to fear will:

- Render you powerless
- Hinder you from walking in love
- Cause you to lose self-control

Meditate on the truth that you are perfectly loved and accepted in the Beloved, that is in Christ Jesus, the Son of God and Saviour of the world.  Let God's perfect love cast out all forms of fear. You belong in the family of God and you are fearless - yes you! So, beloved, lift your head high, square your shoulders and march forward courageously. The victory is already yours, you are going from faith to faith, from victory to victory, from glory to glory, yes YOU ARE! He who has called you is faithful and He will accomplish what He has begun in, with and through you! Go forth boldly!

Friday, July 5, 2019

You KNOW and HEAR HIS Voice

We do not need a go-between, we can hear His voice and are to be led primarily, by His Spirit within us. Jesus said “my sheep hear and know my voice” (John 10:27) However, there are times when God may choose to use Prophets to speak to us, the difference is, it is God who initiates and orchestrates it, we are not to go around pressuring the Prophets among us to give us a “word from the Lord”, that borders on idolatry. - Excerpt from CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS, Chapter 3: The Prophet

Grab your copy here:


Friday, June 28, 2019

Calling and Equipping - God's Style

After a whole night of communing with the Father, Jesus came down the mountain and chose 12 men that He designated “apostles”. Then after that He trains them for the next three and a half years. This seems counterintuitive to how most of us would have it done. I mean it would make more sense to train them first and then to designate them “apostles” after the training, wouldn’t it?
Well, I believe our Lord got that blueprint from His Father and followed it accurately.

You see beloved, God’s ways are not our ways and certainly, His thoughts are way above ours. The Son of God Jesus said He only does what He sees His Father doing and in this case, it was no different. What we gather from this account is the simple fact that it is God’s plan to call and then equip individuals, not the other way around.

So when one is called and given to the church as a ministry gift, say an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher, that is exactly what they are. Now whether they grow, develop and mature in their gifting and calling, that is another story and possibly another topic for another book, who knows?…

( This is an excerpt from the book  CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS: An Overview)

Grab your ebook or paperback copy today at Amazon

Monday, June 24, 2019

CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS - Both versions now available

You can now get a copy of either the Kindle or the paperback version of my book on the Five ministry gifts that the Lord Jesus Christ has given to his body, the church. This book will give you a handle on what these gifts are, and what they are all about.

It is available on Amazon worldwide.
Here is the link:

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Book is out...grab your copy!

The Kindle version of the book CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS is now out. The paperback version will follow shortly. It is my prayer that this book will deepen as well as widen your understanding of the five ministry Gifts that Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church has given to His church, and this understanding will lead to acceptance of all the five gifts, the end result being growth and maturity for the body.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Eviction Notice to GUILT, SHAME and CONDEMNATION

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, - Romans 8:1 NIV

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It doesn’t matter what we’ve done or what we've been through, when we put our trust in Christ Jesus, when we believe in Him and what He has done to reconcile us to God and confess Him as Lord, we can rest assured that we are children of God, eternally forgiven and perfectly loved. Remember, Jesus took the sins of the entire world once and for all. Think about it...that means there is hope for every single person on this planet.

We are the ones who needed to be reconciled to God, not God to us. We are the ones who walked away from Him, but He has never stopped pursuing us. He so loved us that He gave His only Son, Jesus, and through faith in Him and His perfect sacrifice of Himself, Jesus reconciled us to God. He is now our God and our Father; He loves us perfectly and unreservedly. 

Beloved, even if you’ve failed, even if you’ve fallen short, even if you’ve missed it, don’t you ever let the enemy saddle you with thoughts of guilt, shame or condemnation. Don’t let satan bombard your mind with accusations. Remember, you are still God's beloved child, His Spirit in you is constantly assuring you of this truth. You have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. He was made sin so you can be made the very righteousness of God. 

When you miss it, when you fail, when you sin, stop looking at yourself, stop punishing yourself, stop trying to save yourself, stop trusting in yourself and what you can do to perfect yourself, remember you cannot do it, no one can, except Christ Jesus our Lord. Our very best efforts don’t’ even come close to God’s standard of perfection. The only way out is to trust in Christ Jesus, our Redeemer.

So, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop wasting precious time... square your shoulders, stand up straight and get back to pursuing your destiny in Christ. 

As you fix your mind on Christ Jesus, the Spirit of the Lord will transform you from the inside out, gradually into His very image. Don’t be discouraged, you are going from faith to faith, from glory to glory, be at peace, never forget – you are accepted in the Beloved and in Him you are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places!

Saturday, April 13, 2019


It's been a while since I last posted anything on here.

It's not that I've abandoned this, not for a minute... it's all for a good cause!

Well, I've got some EXCITING NEWS!

I've been busy finishing up a book I've been writing.

I've titled it "CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS  An Overview"

I'm happy to say it's now done, it is now ready; its final editing and publishing stage!

It will be available in both paperback and e-book formats.

I will keep you posted once it's ready for release:

I'll let you know when and where you can get your stay tuned and stay blessed!

Friday, January 25, 2019

You are ONE with the LORD, NOW GO Pursue your Passion!

Beloved, you have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead in you and on you. You do not need any other "special anointing", what you need is an understanding of what you already have in you and the boldness to live accordingly. You are one with the Lord in spirit, no "special anointing" whether double or triple portion even comes close:

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Source: Google Images

But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. - 1Cor 6:17ESV

Child of God, get're not seeking, you're not struggling, you're not groveling before God, your Abba Father asking to be blessed. He has already blessed you with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places - Ephesians 1:3 ESV

You see beloved, in Christ you have everything you would ever need for life and godliness. We will do well to learn and appropriate what Christ Jesus has made available to us when He reconciled us to God through His crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension.

You are first and foremost a beloved son (or daughter) of God before you are a servant. As a son and daughter you belong in the Family of God; you are free to walk in all the good works that He has already prepared for you to walk in.

In the natural our children, in our families, are free and encouraged to pursue different activities and interests (wholesome of course). And it's no different with God and His kids, His family. So beloved, do not be afraid to go after what you're interested in or feel you're being drawn to (again...wholesome),  chances are that desire is from God's Spirit in you and could very well be your calling beckoning you...whether it's business, or the arts, or politics, or the sciences,  or get the idea... 
I'm convinced that one of the ways the knowledge of God is going to fill the earth as the waters cover the seas is through sons and daughters of God infiltrating and influencing all areas of life. There is no area that is off-limits. Remember, anywhere and everywhere you are, you are the light and the salt of the world.  

Go on, let your light shine, pursue your passion, impact lives for Christ and your Father will be glorified!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Your WORDS reveal YOU

Beloved, words are powerful, they express one's thoughts and belief's. We speak what is in our minds, didn't Christ our Lord rightly say "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"? 
We speak what we believe, as the Good Book says "we believe, therefore we speak"

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The Scriptures have a lot to say about words. 

We are responsible for our words, no wonder the apostle Paul admonished the Ephesian saints thus:

 29 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. – Ephesians 4:29 NKJV

And the writer of Proverbs lets us know that:

21Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. - Proverbs 18:21 ESV

So beloved, every time you speak, you are either speaking life or death, blessing or cursing, grace or corruption, you get the idea 

Now since words express what's in one's heart, the solution is not to try and sensor yourself or take a vow of silence, or try any weird tricks, no, no no...far from it! To attempt that would only get us so far, as all self help efforts do, only to be followed by feelings of guilt and condemnation. And the enemy will have a field day in our lives. Let's not be ignorant of his devices. 

Yes, we are responsible for our words and the good thing is, we have the Spirit of God in us and as we spend time with the Lord in prayer and in studying the Scriptures and in meditating on our Father and His goodness, our minds are renewed and our thinking is transformed. The result? Our speech and conduct will naturally, as it were, begin to reflect Him who is the Desire of the nations. 

Remember, you have God's Spirit in you, so reflecting Him is as natural to you as breathing. Learn to live in and from your New Nature. 

You are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, now let your conversation reflect that!