Friday, June 28, 2019

Calling and Equipping - God's Style

After a whole night of communing with the Father, Jesus came down the mountain and chose 12 men that He designated “apostles”. Then after that He trains them for the next three and a half years. This seems counterintuitive to how most of us would have it done. I mean it would make more sense to train them first and then to designate them “apostles” after the training, wouldn’t it?
Well, I believe our Lord got that blueprint from His Father and followed it accurately.

You see beloved, God’s ways are not our ways and certainly, His thoughts are way above ours. The Son of God Jesus said He only does what He sees His Father doing and in this case, it was no different. What we gather from this account is the simple fact that it is God’s plan to call and then equip individuals, not the other way around.

So when one is called and given to the church as a ministry gift, say an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher, that is exactly what they are. Now whether they grow, develop and mature in their gifting and calling, that is another story and possibly another topic for another book, who knows?…

( This is an excerpt from the book  CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS: An Overview)

Grab your ebook or paperback copy today at Amazon

Monday, June 24, 2019

CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS - Both versions now available

You can now get a copy of either the Kindle or the paperback version of my book on the Five ministry gifts that the Lord Jesus Christ has given to his body, the church. This book will give you a handle on what these gifts are, and what they are all about.

It is available on Amazon worldwide.
Here is the link:

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Book is out...grab your copy!

The Kindle version of the book CONCERNING MINISTRY GIFTS is now out. The paperback version will follow shortly. It is my prayer that this book will deepen as well as widen your understanding of the five ministry Gifts that Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church has given to His church, and this understanding will lead to acceptance of all the five gifts, the end result being growth and maturity for the body.