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Following his failed attempt at usurping The Throne
of God and his subsequent expulsion from Heaven, the devil is determined to get
back at God by endeavoring to destroy the object of God’s perfect love – the
human race, created in the image and likeness of God. He is a deceiver and an
accuser of the brethren. The Good News is, Jesus overcame him for us and gave
us power and authority over all his powers with a promise that nothing shall by
any means harm us (Luke 10:19)
The devil knows his time is limited and so he is
busy looking for opportunities to wreck havoc in our lives and drag as many as
he can with him to his ultimate eternal destination – the lake of fire. That’s
one reason we are compelled by the love of God to spread the Good News of salvation
to everyone so all can have the opportunity to believe in Jesus and be
translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of God.
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers
throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. – 1 Peter 5:8-9 NIV
We resist him by steadfastly holding on to what the
Word of God says, for God cannot lie and doesn't go back on His promises to us,
He is not a meanie who would promise us one thing and then turn around and do
the opposite as the devil would have us believe. If there is anyone
trustworthy, it’s our Heavenly Father who loves us eternally. The Word of God says “let God be true and every man
a liar” (Romans 3:4).
The enemy cannot block what God has promised to do
in and through our lives, the enemy cannot limit what God can do in our lives,
but we can. Satan tries to deceive us into cutting ourselves off from God’s
supply and provision by planting seeds of doubt and unbelief in our minds, for
he knows once we entertain unbelief, we will effectively be limiting God and
what He can do in our lives.
The story of the children of Israel is a good
example, God wanted to bring them into the land that He had promised them but
because of their unbelief, they limited what God wanted to do for and through
them. The result: an entire generation perished in the wilderness, they
short-circuited the will and plan of God for their lives. That’s how evil
unbelief is…beloved let’s not entertain it regardless of how it presents itself
to us.
Unbelief may manifest as “wisdom”, “concern”, “being
real or practical” or any other form but whichever way it rears its ugly head,
it will ultimately cast a shadow of doubt over what God has said. Thanks be to
God for by His grace we are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices.
Source: Google Images |
God is not reluctant when it comes to blessing us or
meeting our needs and desires. It is not about what we have done, remember we
do not qualify for His blessings because of what we have done but because of
what Christ has done. The enemy wants us to look at our failures as the reason why
God isn’t going to bless us, but the truth is, if we are in Christ, our sins
and failures have already been dealt with and Christ is our advocate with the
Father when we sin and on top of that God remembers our sin no more!
Let us keep on fighting the good fight of faith by holding
on to the assurance of what we hope for and by being convinced of what we
cannot yet see (Hebrews 11:1). He who has promised is faithful and He
will do it.
Let’s keep on walking by faith!