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When we look at the life of Jesus, we see this gift in
operation even as He ministered healing to others. There are times when He
simply healed a physical sickness or disease without casting out a demon, like
Peter’s mother in law who had a fever, Jesus simply touched her hand and healed
her (Matthew 8:14-15). The blind man whom Jesus healed by placing
mud on his eyes and then telling Him to go wash at the Siloam pool (John
9:1-6), no demon cast out there.
And then there were times when He cast out demons and
people received their healings, like the mute man who was demon possessed, when
the demon was cast out, he was able to speak (Matthew9:32-34). The demon
possessed mad man of the country of the Gadarenes was set completely free from
demonic possession that the people were amazed to find him clothed and in his
right mind. (Mark 5:1-15).
The gift of Discerning of Spirit enabled
Jesus to be effective and efficient in His ministry. The early church operated
in this gift too, the apostle Paul is a good example.
16 Now it happened, as
we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of
divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by
fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and us,
and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who
proclaim to us the way of salvation.” 18 And this
she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and
said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of
her.” And he came out that very hour. 19 But when
her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas
and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities. – Acts 16:16-19
The apostle Paul operated in this gift and cast out that
demonic spirit of divination from that slave girl. You see, the interesting
thing is, that girl wasn't saying anything untrue, and she kept doing
that for many days but finally Paul got annoyed, turned around and cast out
that demon from her.
Now, I’m not entirely sure why it took Paul such a long
time to deal with that spirit, could it be at first they thought the words
being spoken were true so it was ok? Could it be Paul learned that she had
powerful masters who could make life miserable for him and his ministry so he
dared not rock the boat? Or could it be the gift of Discerning of
Spirits wasn't in operation in them (for whatever reason) up to that
point and when it finally was, Paul then did the needful? Could it be…maybe.. I
think so!
Every believer who is baptized in the Holy Spirit can be
used in this gift to bless the Body of Christ. All that is needed is our
willingness to be used by God to bless others as He wills and then being open
to the Holy Spirit and by faith stepping out in love to share what He reveals
to us.
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Source: Google Images |
Beloved, the Holy Spirit lives in us, so
we shouldn't be surprised if He decides to reveal to us spirits that
are around us and what they are doing and as He does, He will give us the
wisdom to deal with the revelation He gives us. He is well able to guide us and
keep us safe.
I am your brother,
>>> Up Next: Power
Gifts –Gift of Faith, Gifts of Healings and the Gift of Working of Miracles