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see this gift in operation in both the Old and the New Testaments. King Solomon
comes to mind, He had asked and received wisdom from God and with it
unparalleled wealth. The wisdom of Solomon is seen early on in his reign by the
call he made in determining who the real mother of a disputed baby was. (1
Kings 3:16-28). Verse 28
sums it this way:
28 The
people of Israel respected the king when they heard about this decision. They
saw he had the wisdom of God to make the right
decisions. – 1 Kings 3:28 ERV
gift of wisdom enables one to do the right thing or to make the correct choice
when faced with a myriad of options of varying consequences.
the New Testament we see this gift in operation in the life of our Lord and
Savior as well as in the lives of the early disciples. Whenever the Pharisees,
the Priests, the Scribes and their allies, tried to trap Jesus so they can
accuse Him, He saw right through their strategies by the gift of the Word of
when they brought the woman caught in adultery to Jesus? They came armed with
the Law of Moses which demanded she be put to death on account of her sin. Now
would Jesus uphold the Law of Moses or not? If He does… He toes the line and
joins them, if He doesn't He’s guilty and must face the consequences.
What a tough spot to be in! They were bent on destroying Him and they finally
got him cornered, or so they thought…
Jesus had tried to reason with them as perhaps we would've along the
lines of “this is unfair, where’s the man who committed adultery with this
woman?” it wouldn't have been much help. But as He took His time to
write on the ground with His finger, the gift of wisdom was in operation and it
cut to the chase, the essence of the matter - Sin and the fact that the
Pharisees and their crowds were all sinners facing judgment themselves. The
result they all left one by one…and the woman eventually received the gift of
no condemnation from the Savior and her life was spared. (John
the Word of Wisdom Operates
gift is primarily revelational, one cannot activate it at will. The Holy Spirit
will give you wisdom when there is a need for it. It may come to you suddenly
by way of a thought that wasn't your own to begin with, or through a
vision or a sudden inner knowing or through an angelic visitation etc.
Gift of the Word of Wisdom will not contradict the written
Scripture, it will not seek to glorify man, it will not seek to manipulate or
exploit people, if any such traits are exhibited then chances are it is a
demonic counterfeit and must be rejected immediately and decisively.
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part is to know and accept that this gift is available to believers today; we
are to expect the Holy Spirit to use us in this gift to bless others and to
glorify the risen Christ. We are to desire this gift and expect to be used in
it as the Spirit wills and when we are in a situation that requires His wisdom,
we shouldn't be afraid to step out in faith and share the wisdom He’s
revealing to us. I’m sure many of us have been used in this gift without even
realizing it. Have you ever said something so eloquently that
you didn't even know how you knew it and it deeply impacted others as
the solution to whatever they were facing? I would submit to you that, that was
more than likely the Word of Wisdom in
Holy Spirit is with you and in you and He desires to use you in this and all
the other gifts for the glory of God. Be sensitive to Him and step out by faith
expecting His wisdom to manifest as you love and bless others.
I am
your brother,
Up Next: Revelational Gifts: Discerning of Spirits
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