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17 Therefore if any person is
[ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature
altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away.
Behold, the fresh and new has come! – 2
Corinthians 5:17 AMP
When we
hear the Good News of what God has done for us through Christ and we believe
that Jesus was raised from the dead and confess Him as our Lord we become brand
new creations. On the outside we might still look the same, have the same
physical features and all, but inwardly we have been transformed into a brand
new species that has never existed before. Our spirits are alive and joined to
God, we've become one with Deity! As mind boggling as it may sound,
that is exactly what happens when one is born of God and the Scriptures are
pretty clear…Paul didn’t mince words when he said:
17 But the person who is united to
the Lord becomes one spirit with Him.
– 1 Corinthians 6:17 AMP
Now that we are one spirit with God,
we have His Spirit in us, we can and should endeavor to know Him and the best
way to know someone is to start hanging out with them, spending time with them! Let us make it a
priority to spend time with God through reading, studying and meditating on His
Word, in prayer and in fellowship with other like minded saints. Let’s find out what our Abba Father is up to and be part of
it where we are. Let us allow God’s Word to shape our thinking and our
lives, and if we do, the Word will renew our minds and then we can confidently
say with the Apostle Paul, “we have the mind of Christ”!
through knowing God and His promises to us we become partakers of His divine
nature – 2 Peter 1:3-4 comes to mind.
The importance of knowing Him and that is – knowing Him correctly – cannot be overemphasized,
for Jesus
Himself while praying to His Father said this:
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3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.– John 17:3 NKJV
We now have this awesome privilege of knowing the Father and knowing Christ intimately; and that my friends, is eternal life, which shouldn't be limited to or confused with living forever. Knowing God now becomes our never ending pursuit and delight; and will be throughout eternity.
The more
we pursue knowing God and knowing Christ, the more we realize there is still
much much more of Him to discover and enjoy...never a dull moment...life becomes a whole lot more exciting and fun, not to mention the impact on us and those we come across is eternal and the Father receives all the glory! Is it any wonder that the Apostle Paul's one desire was "that I may know
Him..." (Philippians 3:10), even after all the revelations and encounters he had experienced?
knowing God and knowing Christ our desire, preoccupation and obsession in 2015!
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