Friday, November 30, 2018

STOP the BUSY-NESS...Follow HIS Lead

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16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. – Romans 8:16 NIV

Since we believe in Jesus and confess Him as Lord and Christ, we have His Spirit abiding in us. In Christ Jesus, we are already fully accepted by God, we have been made His very righteousness following Christ’s perfect sacrifice.

We are now led inwardly by the Spirit of God who not only knows the mind of Christ, but also imparts it to us as well. As we walk in fellowship with the Spirit and follow His leading, we will not have to worry about “making” ourselves into anything, He will “make” us what He created us to be seemingly effortlessly. We will avoid the “pressure to perform” and/or the “trying too hard” syndrome with its ensuing frustrations.

Beloved, I’m not advocating a life of complacency or apathy, far from it. One cannot truly follow the Lord’s leading and remain apathetic, ineffective or indifferent in how they live and love on others. I must also hasten to add that being constantly active and involved in everything we consider ministry is not necessarily proof that one is following the Lord’s leading. If anything...I mean anything... other than the love of God is driving us to do what we do, then we most likely aren't following the Spirit’s leading. I humbly propose that we take an honest look at our motives and then be bold enough to do the needful.  

In this family of God that we now belong to, He is the Potter and we are the clay. As sons and daughters have chores and responsibilities in natural family settings, with God’s family it’s no different. He is the one who “makes” us into different vessels fit for His use – as He pleases, of course. If we fail to follow Him, we frustrate His grace that’s at work in our lives and miss out on what He could’ve and would’ve made us. Let it not be so! 

The thing is, Christ has graced each one of us uniquely and it is He who knows how and where we fit best in His Body – the Church. And once we find our place and purpose in Him, we will be fruitful and at peace regardless of what the circumstances may be screaming at us.

Jesus called out to the disciples of old “FOLLOW ME and I WILL MAKE YOU fishers of men”

He is calling us today!

My part is to answer His call by obediently following Him, His is to “MAKE ME WHAT HE WANTS”.
Once you know what He is making you into, actively partner with Him by taking hold of that for which He has taken hold of you, as the apostle Paul put it.

And we know that He who has promised is faithful and He will do it! 


Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Receive My Love - God

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I'm sure most of us know that God is love and can quote scripture all day to that end, but when it comes to knowing God's love experientially, I'm afraid we might not be there yet or maybe we think we are but in reality we've just scratched the tip of the iceberg, as the saying goes.

I recently, actually yesterday as I was driving home, had this eye-opening conversation with the Lord.

Me: (Reminiscing of the times of refreshing we had at a gathering in Rochester, NY in late October) Lord wasn't that awesome!! What should I do now, Lord?!!

The Lord: (I could picture Him smiling) Just receive my love...

Me: (somewhat doubtful if I truly heard the Lord, I protested...kind of you know...) But, but I know you love me, you love everyone you sent your Son Jesus to die for us, I know you love me.

The Lord: (I pictured him still smiling) Just receive my love


Isn't that like Him?!

I think I'm now beginning to understand why the apostle Paul put such a high premium on knowing the love of God. He spoke of being constrained by the love of God to do what he did. He prayed that the saints would be rooted and grounded in this love; he prayed for saints to know the depth, the length, the height, the width of the love of Christ that passes love passes knowledge. We've heard "knowledge is power" if that's so, what then is this love? Wow...we could go down a rabbit trail here...

Suffice it to then surmise that only when we receive His love can we give it away, until then our motives for ministry aren't as pure as we'd like to think.

So beloved, is the love of God compelling you to do what you think you are doing for Him? If it's anything other than His love, you may want to hit the reset button and get back to basics.

Receive His love afresh today.