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Fear is a
spirit that does not originate from your Father, so do not entertain it even
for a second. Fear seeks to rob you of your peace, fear seeks you throw you
into a frenzy, fear seeks to paralyze you and render you ineffective; bottom
line, fear seeks to kill, steal and destroy everything in your life and if
possible eliminate you too. The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy and by extension
to each one of us today, had this to say concerning fear:
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and
of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
You see,
we have no reason to tolerate any form of fear in our lives. Let me hasten to
add that the fear of the Lord is different, it is worshipful reverence of the
Father, it is not this demonically inspired stuff that seeks to terrorize and
enslave people who have been made in the image and likeness of God. The fear of
the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the fear of the Lord brings understanding,
the fear of the Lord has a positive outcome and effect in one’s life. It should
both be cultivated and maintained, and that is done by spending time with the
Lord in the Word and prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit as well as with
other saints.
We have
the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind in us, and
He is constantly reminding us of what Jesus has done for us and who we are in
Him. Jesus has already conquered and thoroughly routed the enemy and He’s
already made a public spectacle of the devil. Someone counted 365 instance in
the Bible where the phrase “do not fear” appears. You see, God is constantly
reminding us not to fear but instead, to trust Him. He knows how destructive
fear can be if we allow it into our lives.
After His
resurrection, Our Lord made this declaration before issuing the great
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. – Matthew 28:18 NIV
He didn't just declare that He had been given ALL
AUTHORITY in heaven and on earth, He went on to delegate it to us so that
we can boldly go and make disciples of all nations knowing that we have
heaven’s backing. We have His Word and His Word is sure, it is forever settled
in Heaven. You see, Jesus as the last Adam, didn't just recover the authority
that Adam had lost to the Satan, No, He did that and more. Adam did not have
ALL authority in heaven and on earth, he only had authority on earth, so the
last Adam, Jesus Christ, accomplished infinitely much much more for us, than just recovering
what Adam had lost. Meditate on that and watch all fear dissipate!
we succumb to the fear inducing deceptive tactics of the enemy, we are
essentially stepping over into unbelief; fear is simply a display of one’s lack
of trust in God and His Word. Fear is that evil wicked spirit that seeks to
cast God in as negative a light as possible; fear sends the message that God is
not who He says He is and He won’t do for You what He promised in His Word.
Fear is an expression of the enemy’s native tongue - Lies, and must be immediately countered with the truth of the Word of God.
the enemy won’t dispute Biblical accounts of God doing what He did for those
who trusted Him back then, but through fear he will seek to convince you that
God won’t come through for you and he’ll be quick to list a number of
accusations against you. That’s why it is important to fix your eyes on Jesus at
all times, He is our High Priest, He is our advocate with the Father, He is our
righteousness; our trust in His perfect sacrifice of Himself for us is what
qualifies us to receive and walk in all of His blessings.
Once you
take your eyes off of Jesus, that is once you stop focusing on Jesus, you’ll
start focusing on yourself and the enemy will be more than happy to point out
all your shortcomings all the while whispering to you how you don’t
qualify for
anything from God and how you shouldn't waste your time telling others of the
goodness and grace of God, he’ll even try to convince you that everyone will
laugh at you and ridicule you. Big deal! They did the same to Jesus, don’t let
that faze you. Don’t fall for that old serpent’s antics, don’t allow the fear
of man into your heart, for fear ensnares and paralyses.
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Source: Google Images |
25 Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. – Proverbs 29:25 NIV
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. – Proverbs 29:25 NIV
Your protection, provision, strength
and empowerment is in trusting in the Lord. Every good and perfect gift comes
from the Father and fear is neither good, nor is it perfect, so reject it! Live
from a place of power, love and a sound mind in the Holy Spirit, that’s your
inheritance in Christ.