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Many Christians today
know, believe and confess that the Word of God is true, inerrant and infallible
and it is. We believe that it is forever settled in Heaven and it is (Psalm 119:89). We also believe that the
inspired Scriptures are packed with the Almighty’s power and they are. I’m sure we've all quoted it several times ourselves. We are familiar
with many portions of Scripture that speak of the eternal qualities of the Word
of God. Perhaps you even have a few favorite ones yourself, here are some of mine:
12 The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly,
for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.” – Jeremiah 1:12 NIV
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. – Matthew 24:35 NIV
63 It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I
have spoken to you are spirit and life. – John
6:63 NRSV
Well, you get the idea… Today many have no problem agreeing with all
that about the Word of God. Don’t get me wrong now; I’m not bashing knowing or quoting Scripture verses, not at all.
I actually think it is important and absolutely necessary for every believer to
know what the Word of God says. However, I would hasten to add that one’s knowledge
of the Scriptures isn't necessarily reflective of their spiritual maturity.
You can have the Bible
from Genesis to Revelation memorized, but unless you make a conscious decision
to take to heart and apply the truths contained therein, you will neither grow
spiritually nor be able to enjoy all the wonderful promises that are yours in
Christ. Furthermore, you will only be deceiving yourself with all the Biblical
knowledge you've amassed and pride wouldn't be far off.
22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it
says. – James 1:22 NIV
Beloved, here's the thing, we are children
of God, we are sons and daughters of the Most High, we have His Spirit living
in us, our Father’s supernatural ways and acts should be natural to us. We
should be experiencing miracles of diverse kinds every single day, just like
our elder brother Jesus did while on earth, anything less is unacceptable.
I know that’s a bold
statement, but then again Jesus said we will do greater works than He did (John 14:12) Now, pray tell, how are we
going to do greater works when we are barely, just barely attempting to do the
ones He did, often failing miserably and rationalizing our failures with wise
sounding phrases to mask the real problem – DOUBT and UNBELIEF.
We know what the Word
says, we know what we are to do, but we aren't doing it and if we are, for the most part we do it
halfheartedly, why is that?! Is it because we have bought into the world
system unknowingly? Are we fully trusting God or are we "wisely" keeping our options
open...you know...er...just in case…think about it. Have we forgotten who lives in us? Have we
forgotten that He is the Most trustworthy Person ever, that He never lies nor does
He go back on His word to us? Who are we listening to? We may claim to be listening to and obeying God but the results or lack thereof, in our lives
testify to the contrary. This has got to stop!
It is the enemy who plants
doubts in our minds disguised as “wisdom” when it actually is anything but
wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom! Anything that seeks to add to or to subtract from the Word of God is void of any form of wisdom. The enemy cannot force a child of God to disobey God, all he wants to
do is to get us to doubt God and when we comply, we give him an open invitation
to wreck havoc in our lives. Adam and Eve doubted and disobeyed God, we all know
how that turned out.
As a child of God today
you have the power to choose to fully trust God or not, whatever choice you
make you’ll have to face the consequences, the good thing is, His grace will be
right there for you to appropriate by faith as you come before Him. That’s one
reason we are encouraged to come boldly before the Throne of Grace so that we
may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. If you've blown
it through doubt and unbelief, don’t wallow is self-pity and condemnation,
instead run to the Throne of Grace. Remember this: Jesus already dealt with our
sin once for all.
I for one do not want to
get to Heaven and realize there was so much I could have done in this life for
Christ and to bless others, but because of my doubt and unbelief I lived way
below what was available in me and to me and just squeaked into Heaven. I hope
you too wouldn't want that to be your experience.
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The beauty of it is, we
get to do the works of Christ and greater ones in this life, right here, right
now on earth, not someday in heaven. We have the Holy Spirit living in us, He
desires to empower us and use us to bring glory to Christ. He desires intimacy
with us, the more we spend time with Him and get to know Him, the bolder we
will become. Doesn't the Word rightly say those who know their God will become
bold and do great exploits? (Daniel
Choose to fully trust God
and take Him at His Word. He means what He says and says what He means. Hear
His Word today and do it!
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