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27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world
gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and
do not be afraid. – John 14:27 NIV
If you have the Prince of
Peace in you, you already have His peace in you, yes right in your spirit. The
peace that comes from Jesus is not fleeting neither is it temporal. It is
eternal; it surpasses any and all forms of peace the world can offer. The peace
the world offers is at best temporal for it is based on what can be seen,
heard, smelled, touched and tasted, it is based on our five senses, but God’s
peace on the contrary is eternal, it is superior in every way. The Word of God
describes it as “the peace that transcends all understanding”. It is the kind
of peace exhibited by the calmness of the Lord Jesus in the midst of the storm
when all His disciples (and mind you, some of them were seasoned fishermen)
were frantic.
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ
Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
As a child of God, you
have His peace within you but as you go through life, the devil, the world and
the flesh will try to rob you of the peace that you have by hurling situations
and circumstances your way, hoping you’ll take your focus off of the goodness
and faithfulness of your loving Abba, Father and thus abdicate your position of
rest in Him. The enemy seeks to instill fear in us through any avenue he can, for he knows once we succumb to it, we are no longer at rest, and consequently, we are no longer at peace which effectively means that we are at that moment walking in unbelief.
Anytime we find ourselves
overwhelmed with worries, cares and anxieties, it is a sign we have for that
moment been blinded to the truth that the Prince of Peace is with us and within us. The
disciples panicked in unbelief, but to their credit, they at least remembered
that Jesus was with them in the boat and they woke Him up. Jesus promised to be
with us always and He is by His Holy Spirit, we are never alone, even when we
feel like it.
With His peace comes rest
and with rest comes confidence. Once we've brought our prayers and petitions
before the Father, we should not fret over them anymore, because we know He
hears us and because He does, we know that whatever we've brought before Him is
taken care of, we can then relax and rest in Him.
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. – 1 Peter 5:7 NIV
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Cast every worry, every
anxiety and everything that’s weighing you down and stressing you out, cast it
on Jesus and enjoy His peace once again, enjoy His calming presence as He holds
your hand and walks you through the raging seas of life and the seemingly
impossible situations you are facing today.
Remember He is eternal, He is in
the past, He is in the present and He is in the future. So trust Him to sort
out your present, He’s right here with you, trust Him to orchestrate your
future, He’s there already.
May the peace of God
increase and abound in your life today, and may that peace order your steps,
let it guide you as you make decisions today.
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