Saturday, October 12, 2013

THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Power Gifts: The Gift of Faith - 2

The Gift of Faith and How it Operates

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The Gift of Faith is a supernatural manifestation of a tiny portion of God’s own faith through us to accomplish feats that are beyond our limitations. It is not to be confused with the faith that saves us and neither is it to be confused with “the measure of faith” that God has given each one of us.

The Gift of Faith manifests the love and power of God towards His people. When this gift is in operation, there is usually an unflinching assurance that whatever the circumstance is, it will change and line up with what God says. The boldness that accompanies this gift could sometimes be mistaken for arrogance, it is that bold.

Many times even the person operating in this gift might not even be aware that they are, that’s another testament to how intertwined our spirits are with the Holy Spirit. Have you ever had moments when you came up with a brilliant idea and marveled that you didn't even know you knew that idea? Let me assure you it was the Holy Spirit in you who gave you that idea; same thing with all the gifts and fruit of the Spirit in our lives, so with the Gift of Faith it’s no different.

We can see this gift in operation in the life of Jesus. When you are at sea and there is a storm and the boat you are in is taking up water fast and  everyone
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on board is frantically trying to do everything they can to brave the storm, the logical, reasonable and realistic thing to do is to help get the water out, to help keep the sails up, to help throw the extra cargo weight overboard, to check on your fellow shipmates to make sure everyone is ok – one thing you don’t do in that situation is – Stand up on the deck and rebuke the winds and declare “peace be still”, but that is precisely what my Lord did and guess what? The winds died down, the waves calmed down and the storm ceased. Now that was the Gift of Faith in action. 


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