Saturday, October 26, 2013

THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: Power Gifts: The Gifts of Healing - 3

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When this gift is in operation, physical, psychological and emotional conditions are being ministered to supernaturally. The Holy Spirit knows what needs to be restored, recovered and quickened in a person and will supernaturally direct you in what to do or say as you minister healing to them.

As we operate in this gift, the key is being faithful and obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading as we will often be given very specific instructions. I've read of Smith Wigglesworth and Kenneth Hagin sometimes punching people as they operated in the Gifts of Healing and the people got healed. Now don’t think of doing that unless the Holy Spirit tells you, otherwise you’ll most likely find yourself behind bars charged with assault. 

I remember a little while ago my wife was told by the Holy Spirit to drink more water and that took care of a physical ailment that had haunted her for quite some time. Now it would be absurd to make a formula of such a specific situation; the key is flowing in obedience and faithfulness to the Holy Spirit’s directives.

We must also remember that some physical conditions as well as some emotional/psychological disorders can be the direct result of demonic oppression. In such cases the Holy Spirit through the gift of Discerning of Spirits will often reveal the source of the problem and once the intruders are evicted in the Name of Jesus, the Gifts of Healing will bring restoration to the affected areas. In the Gospels we read of Jesus casting out demons and the mute speaking or the crazy man from Gadara who was set free from demonic possession and was found sitting at Jesus’ feet clothed and “in his right mind” – he wasn't crazy anymore, he was healed of that mental condition.

The Gifts of Healing many times operates in tandem with the gift of the Word of Knowledge. Many times, ministers get a word about a condition being healed or what is termed as “sympathetic pain”. You could suddenly experience pain in an area of your body that is otherwise perfectly fine, that could very well be the Holy Spirit revealing to you that He wants to minister to people with that kind of pain in that gathering. Be bold enough to step out and share what you are experiencing and be encouraged as you see people being healed by the power of God through you.

Just a little over a month ago, on my way into work I bumped into a co-worker who was on her way out. We met at the entrance, exchanged hi’s briefly then she quickly told me that she had been diagnosed with a faulty valve and a partly damaged heart and was afraid of another test that she was scheduled for.

I immediately felt prompted by the Spirit to pray for her right there at the entrance with people milling about – coming in and going out. So naturally I started thinking… she’s not even a Christian, how’s this going to look? What will she think? What will everyone around think…all those scenarios swirling around in my mind…But I quickly decided to go with the Holy Spirit’s prompting – took her hand and said “let’s pray”, she stood there quietly not knowing what to do (did I mention she’s not a believer in Christ…yet). I then told her that the test she was schedule for will confirm her heart is fine and all the valves are fine! Bold statement, wouldn't you say?! That’s the Holy Spirit in action, I simply went along for the ride and boy am I glad I did!

Guess what happened! – They didn't find anything wrong and they were even more confused as their earlier tests and diagnoses had showed a partly damaged heart and faulty valve. She is now scheduled for a series of what the
Source: Google Images
doctors described as “more tests”. I told her Jesus has already healed her and all the other subsequent tests will only prove that. At first she didn't believe anything would happen but thought that my praying for her was just a nice, good gesture of showing support and she didn't even mention it to the doctors, she left them flabbergasted at the contradictory results. As you can imagine, she’s now more open to the Gospel than she’s ever been. She’s been tagged by the Holy Spirit! God is so good! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!  

As we continue to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, we will be able to quickly discern His promptings and specific instructions should He choose to use us in any of His gifts and let me assure you, He will for He desires to use us more than we think or know! 

Be open to flowing in the Gifts of Healing today.

Blessings beloved,

I am your brother,


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