Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Have you ever wondered why God neither punished nor rebuked Abraham for his sins? He lied twice about Sarah not being his wife, fearing he might be killed for her sake and Sarah went along with the lies both times…God’s response reveals His true nature, His unearned unmerited favor – His grace.

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God’s response goes against everything religion stands for. Instead of chastising Abraham for his lies and for not trusting in the God who called him to protect him, He warns the kings who had taken Sarah of dire consequences should they fail to return her to Abraham, her husband and on one occasion He even tells King Abimelech that Abraham is a Prophet and that’s the very first time the word prophet appears in the Bible, of course there were others who were prophets before him but you get the point…God calls him a prophet after he clearly exhibited conduct unbecoming of a prophet of God… unbelievable, but so is the Grace of God, I’m convinced that we will never fully understand it even in eternity... Here is what King Abimelech is told:

So give Abraham his wife again. He is a prophet. He will pray for you, and you will live. But if you don’t give Sarah back to him, I promise that you will die. And all your family will die with you.” – Genesis 20:7 ERV

Abraham was declared righteous because He believed God, not because of anything he did or didn't do for that matter. Isaac and Jacob with all their flaws, were also recipients God’s unmerited favor. God never brought up their sins or failures.  

Have you ever wondered why God did not punish the Israelites from the time they left Egypt until the got to Mount Sinai? They complained from the time they reached the Red Sea and all the way to Mount Sinai, they murmured, they grumbled but God provided all their needs, food, water, clothes never wore out; He made sure they were all healthy, there was none feeble among them, He took excellent care of them. He carried them on eagle’s wings…

However, after Sinai everything changed when the Old Testament with it’s Law was given to them. Since then, every single time they violated the Law they faced the consequences and had to offer periodic sacrifices for their sins to be covered. They quickly found out that they couldn't keep the Law perfectly, though they had boasted in their ability to do so earlier.

Under the OT Law, even Moses who had such a spiritually loaded resume, the man who talked with God face to face, was not spared the consequences of sinning against God. Under the OT Law, even David, the man who God declared was after His own heart, when he sinned God rebuked him and consequences followed. That’s how unbending and inflexible the Old Covenant Law was.   

Fast forward to the time of Jesus, the Son of God became a man, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, fulfilled the entire Law perfectly and took all our sins on His body and by His death on the cross, abolished the OT Law of Moses as a means by which we are to be counted righteous before God, and by His own blood established the New Covenant or the New Testament. You see Jesus did not just take the sins of those who believe in Him, He took the sins of the entire human race(John 1:29) 

When we put our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God considers us righteous, all our sin is completely wiped away, we become new, we are now holy and righteous before God, even if our feelings are contrary, we go with what the Word of God says, not our feelings. Feelings may change but the Word is forever settled in Heaven.

God has promised us that in this New Covenant that we have with Him, He will not impute sin to us and neither will He remember our sins, He is our God and we are His people (Jeremiah 31:31 – 34) In Christ, we are free from any and all forms of condemnation. No accusation against you can stand, for His Word says:

33 Who can accuse the people God has chosen? No one! God is the one who makes them right. 34 Who can say that God’s people are guilty? No one! Christ Jesus died for us, but that is not all. He was also raised from death. And now he is at God’s right side, speaking to him for us.Romans 8: 33 -34 ERV

He is the one who chose us and drew us by His Grace, Jesus said…

16 “You did not choose me. I chose you… – John 15:16a ERV

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So enjoy your relationship with your loving Heavenly Father who chose you and made you righteous in Christ, let Him guide you and lead you by His Holy Spirit, not by the letter of the OT Law. He does not keep a record of your sins and failures, Jesus took them all. He is not waiting for you to blow it so He can smite you, no! He is waiting for you to discover the truth that by the perfect sacrifice of His Son Jesus, He has completely and permanently put away all your sins. His love for you is unending and His mercies for you are new every morning, His mercies are from everlasting to everlasting. Blessings to you!  

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