Tuesday, February 12, 2013


You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 2:1 NIV 

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As a child of God your source of strength to face anything in life is found in the grace of God that is in and through Jesus Christ. We cannot do anything to earn God’s grace, trying to earn based on our performance is a sure way of short-circuiting it. God’s grace is His unmerited favor towards us and it is through it that we are saved and declared righteous based on what Jesus has done. Grace is a free gift from your Abba Father, who loves you with an everlasting love. God's grace is accessed and received by faith.

Once you know and believe that by His grace through Christ, God has declared you righteous, you will have a sense of confidence and boldness in everything you do. You will no longer have to act out of insecurity or resort to manipulative or other not-so-honorable tactics to get your way. You will not surrender your convictions for convenience. Isn't it interesting that the Word of God declares: "the righteous are bold as a lion"? (Proverbs 28:1) Yup that's you…and that is your testimony child of God!

Our confidence lies in the fact that we have been declared righteous, pure and holy by our Heavenly Father Himself, who can say otherwise? It is He who has justified us and His Word is forever settled in heaven. Our righteousness in Christ is a done deal! May this truth be firmly established and settled our hearts, even if our emotions seem to contradict this truth, or should I say especially when our feelings do not seem to agree with the Word.

If we only had a glimpse of how much our Heavenly Father loves us, we would not want to spend another second oblivious to His presence in us and around us, we would long to be in constant fellowship with Him. We’d cherish spending time in His Word, getting to hear, to know and feel His heart. We’d make “hanging out” with Him our top priority and everything else will from there.

And guess what, I have news for you, your Father so loves spending time with you! He does not just desire to spend time with us but He’s gone ahead and made it possible for us to be able to freely, joyfully and unreservedly hang out with Him. Through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ His Son, the Father has dealt with sin, the culprit that had kept us away from Him, He’s dealt with it once and for all. Now your Heavenly Father has extended  this invitation to you:

16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.Hebrews 4:16 NIV

Trying by one’s own efforts to obtain what His grace has already freely provided is at best a demonstration of one’s ignorance, that scripture that says “my people perish for lack of knowledge” comes to mind here. Let us know and/or be reminded of the truth that the Father rejoices when we rely on His grace in every area of our lives.

Source: Google Images
When we rely on God’s grace that is through Christ our Lord and Savior, the Father loves it! He truly rejoices over us as we express our reliance on His grace which is His ability to accomplish whatever it is that we need to get done. His joy is what energizes us, is it any wonder that the Word declares, and rightfully so, that: “the Joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). 

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.(Ephesians 6:10) be strong in His grace for you today. Much blessings to you all.

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