Thursday, March 26, 2020

Who are YOU?

Source: Google Images
Today, I'm sharing this word of comfort and encouragement that I received from the Spirit of God a little while ago. 

I believe everyone, everywhere, at one point or another, regardless of whether you are going through a rough patch or having a mountaintop experience, you need to hear this, or at least, to be reminded of this truth. I call you blessed! 

Your identity comes from Me and no one else. 
In Christ you are my child and I am pleased with you. 

You are not what your circumstances say you are, 
you are not what people say you are, 
you are not what you do or don't do, 
you are who I say you are.

Learn to accept and value My opinion of you, 
value it  more than anyone else's opinion of you, 
man's opinion of you can and will change, but Mine will never, 
It has been established from eternity. 
And now you get to walk in the revelation of it. 

In Christ Jesus and through faith in Him alone, 
You are My child, My son, My heir

Stand strong in Me, 
Stand firm in who you are in and to Me. 

You are My beloved, 
that's your true identity, 
live in it and live from it, 
and experience My joy, My rest and My peace, 
regardless of what's going on around you.

Again, I call you blessed!

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