Tuesday, January 29, 2013


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There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in the Word of God (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) and Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church doesn’t want us – His Body, the Church – to be ignorant of these gifts. He has made them available to all believers and that’s why the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to expound on them. The Word of God says:

Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.1 Corinthians 12:1 NIV

Notice, they are called the gifts OF the Spirit, they belong to the Spirit, not to individuals and it is the Spirit who uses anyone He desires in any of these gifts. Now let me hasten to add that, the Holy Spirit is not a bully, so He won’t force anyone into doing anything, He will gently let you know of His desire to use you in a particular gift. It could be by way of a spontaneous thought that alights on your mind or by an impression, by a vision, a tugging at your heart or through His still small voice in your spirit…the point is He knows how to get your attention and how to communicate with you, there is no formula, it’s a relational thing…another good reason why you should make communicating with the Lord who is always present with you round the clock, a habit. The importance of spending time in the Word cannot be overemphasized  That’s one sure way of getting to know His voice intimately and prophecy will always be in line with the Word of God, never in contradiction to it.

Our walk with the Lord is one of faith, once we hear His voice, let us be bold enough to step out in faith and do what He tells us to do. Should we draw back out of fear, we might not only deny others of what God has for them, but we also won’t experience the joy of being a vessel that the Lord uses to touch and bless others in the body of Christ. Let us be reminded of this one thing, it is never about us, it is always about Him. His gifts are for building up His people not our egos, so there…the flesh has no place…  

Today, I’d like to zero in on the gift of prophecy, for the Word tells us to  ESPECIALLY DESIRE this gift.

Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy - 1 Corinthians 14: 1 NIV

Here we see the fruit of the Spirit (which is encapsulated by the phrase “the way of love”) and the gifts of the Spirit with emphasis on prophecy going together, hand in hand as it were. The simple reason for this is the truth that everything in the Kingdom operates by love. Whatever we do should be out of God’s love that has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). His love should be the motivating factor behind our desires for His gifts to operate in and through us. Let us not forget that God is Love. His very essence is Love. Anything done without love doesn’t amount to much, 1 Corinthians 13, the popular love chapter in the Bible, makes that abundantly clear.

As we yield to the love of God that’s poured out in our hearts, we won’t have any other agenda, our desire will be to see others saved, healed, delivered, blessed, lifted up, restored and fulfilling their God ordained destinies. The gift of prophesy that flows out of love is never condemning, neither does it seek to bring fear, control or manipulation; the gift of prophecy will always edify, exhort and comfort others. 

The gift of prophesy is for building people up, for comforting them and for encouraging or exhorting them. It is never for tearing people down. The ministry of the Prophet goes beyond edification, exhortation and comfort but that is beyond the scope of this post, suffice it to say the ministry or office of the Prophet in the New Testament is a foundational ministry in the Church together with the Apostolic ministry.

Every believer can and should operate in the gift of prophesy, the Lord urges us to desire it earnestly, He calls on us to desire it above all the other gifts  because He knows we – His body – need it very much and for that reason He desires to use you to prophesy, to speak what He reveals to you to others. In His wisdom, God has made a way for us to learn how to operate in this gift, and as we learn we become bolder and more fluent in flowing with the Spirit. Let me quickly state this fact: we cannot improve on the gifts of the Spirit; they are already perfect gifts from the Perfect One. What we can and are ENCOURAGED to do is to LEARN HOW TO BETTER FLOW or OPERATE in the Gift of Prophecy

31 For you can all prophesy one by one, that all may learn and all may be encouraged. – 1 Corinthians 14:31 NKJV

Start where you are, if God reveals something to you for someone else and impresses upon you to share it with them, the in love, step out by faith and share it, even if it is a one liner such as “rest in the Lord” or “I love you” or “I’m with you”, that might be exactly what the other person needs to hear at that time. Don’t hold back and wait until you can prophesy paragraphs and chapters; faithfully start with what He reveals to you. Do not let fear hold you back, the Lord desires to bless others through you.

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It is the enemy who doesn’t want them to be blessed and certainly doesn’t want you to step out in faith and obedience to God, he will attempt to immobilize you with fear, but as the Word says, we are not ignorant of his devices…so now that you know this, bask in the love of God for you and His people and all that fear will be cast out as you respond to His love by stepping out in faith, you see, whenever you obey God, you offend the devil, so why not make it a habit to obey God every step of the way!      

Desire the gift of prophecy today and as you do, delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart - the gift of prophecy being one of those desires! And as opportunities for encouraging, exhorting or comforting others open up before you, may the love of God in you cause you to step out in faith and share what the Lord reveals to you. Become a blessing to someone today, prophesy!

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