Tuesday, January 22, 2013


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God has promised to provide for you, He has promised to meet all your needs. Trust Him, believe His promises, hold on to His Word. Your Heavenly Father loves you with an everlasting love, He has given His very best for you, Jesus, He certainly will not withhold any good thing from you. Remember, He watches over His word to perform it. Here’s just one promise of provision we have from our Lord:

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. – Matthew 6:31–33 NKJV

God never changes, neither does He go back on His promises to us. Today, because of what Jesus has done, His Kingdom is within you and you are His righteousness, keep that truth front and center in your life, for it is your key to boldly coming before God expecting Him to supply all your needs. Jesus was condemned at the cross so that you may not only go free, but also have unreserved access to God’s unmerited and unrestricted favor in every area of your life. He has promised to take care of you, He is your Father after all and He is not  irresponsible, just put your trust in Him. He has a myriad of ways to supply all of your needs. He has made provision for you already…again, just trust Him and obey His voice as He positions you for His provision.

Look at how He provided for Elijah; First by the brook Cherith using ravens(1 Kings 17:2-4), then by the widow at Zarepath (1 Kings 17:7-16) and then by giving Him angel food (1 Kings 19:6-8). The thing is God provided for Elijah everytime, using different methods and sources. His ways and means are anything but monotonous; I guess He loves to surprise His children as He blesses and provides for them, so don’t limit Him. As you keep on walking with Him, you’ll quickly learn to expect His provision  through any means He chooses even through sources and means that you never even thought of. I’ve personally experienced this time and time again.  

God told Elijah where to go after He had commanded ravens to bring him meat and bread there and He was to drink from the brook Cherith. Ravens are known to eat almost everything meat and bread included, but these ravens were commanded by the Creator to bring food to Elijah. Not only that, ravens were unclean birds and Jews had nothing to do with them, but God in His great wisdom used what was considered unclean to provide for the prophet. There’s a whole lot of layers of revelation right there from the unclean being sanctified in the light of Acts 10 as the Apostle Peter was told, but I digress…

Then Elijah was fed by a widow woman at Zarepath, she had been commanded by God to feed the prophet and in doing so she and Her son were provided for as well. They lived through the famine and came out of it well fed by the standards of the day. The point is, God’s economy knows no recession.

Later as He fled from Jezebel and fell asleep somewhere under a juniper tree, Elijah was woken up by an angel and was served angel food and water twice and went forty days on the strength of that food. Isn’t our God gracious? Elijah was running away, discouraged, praying that he should die, right after calling down fire from heaven and destroying the prophets and priests of Baal. God still provides for him.

Let’s not forget  Elijah’s "regular" food was locusts and wild honey, just like John the baptist (Matthew 3:4) but God provided different and better food for him, by his day’s standards. Now, it’s interesting to note there isn’t a record of Elijah praying for provision for himself, He simply trusted the Lord to provide. He concerned himself with what he was called to do and even when he was discouraged, he somehow knew God was going to provide for him, even as he prayed that he should’ve died, I submit to you he didn’t mean it, he was just discouraged and God knew his heart. Think about it, why run away from certain death from Jezebel and then ask God to basically kill him? Doesn’t add up, does it?

If there’s one thing we can learn from Elijah’s account is this: trust God to provide for you. If he could trust God under the OT and be provided for, how much more will we who are under the NT with better promises see the Father’s hand providing for us above and beyond what we need?

You are in Christ so rest assured, your Father loves you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. He delights in you and in providing for you. In Christ all things are yours. Blessings!         

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