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Jesus, the Son of God became a man, born of a virgin,
lived a sinless life, fulfilled the entire Law perfectly and took ALL our sins
on His body and by His death on the cross, abolished the Old Covenant with its
Mosaic Law. It is no longer a valid means by which one can be counted righteous
before God. And by His own blood, Jesus established the New Covenant of His
unmerited favor, His grace towards the entire human race.
You see Jesus did not just take away the sins of those who
believe in Him, He took the sins of the entire human race, once for all, it’s
a done deal! Because of Adam’s sin, we all were born sinners we had no say in
the matter, but praise God because of what Jesus has done, we are made
righteous through Him and we have a say - NOW - at least while we are on earth, we can choose to believe Him and enjoy New life in Christ, free from the guilt, shame and condemnation. Eventually, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God, no ifs, ands or buts then... After knowing this truth, why would anyone want to live below it, being subjected to fear and uncertainty?
This revelation inspired the apostle Paul to pen the
following Scriptures:
18 So that one sin of Adam brought the punishment of
death to all people. But in the same way, Christ did something so good that it
makes all people right with God. And that brings them true life. 19 One man disobeyed God and many became sinners.
But in the same way, one man obeyed God and many will be made right. – Romans 5:18-19 ERV
John the Baptist testified of this truth earlier when
He said:
29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! – John 1:29 NKJV
Now since all our sin has already been borne by Christ
on the cross, when we believe in Jesus as our Savior, God counts us righteous.
We are now holy and righteous before God, even if our feelings are suggesting
otherwise, we go with what the Word of God says, not our feelings. Feelings may
change but the Word is forever settled in Heaven (Psalm 119:89).
In this New Covenant that we have with God, He has promised
not to impute our sin to us, not only that, but He will also not keep a record
of them. (Jeremiah 31:31 – 34)
In Christ, we are free from any and all forms of
condemnation (Romans 8:1).
No accusation against you can stand, for His Word says:
33 Who
can accuse the people God has chosen? No one! God is the one who makes them
right. 34 Who
can say that God’s people are guilty? No one! Christ Jesus died for us, but
that is not all. He was also raised from death. And now he is at God’s right
side, speaking to him for us. – Romans
8: 33 -34 ERV
So enjoy your relationship with your loving Heavenly
Father who chose you and made you righteous in Christ, let Him guide you and
lead you by His Holy Spirit, not by the letter of the Old Covenant Law. He does
not keep a record of your sins, past, present and future, Jesus took them all
at once. When He cried “it is finished” on that rugged cross, He meant it!
God is now your Father and He is not waiting for you to
blow it so He can smite you, no! He loves you immensely and eternally and is patiently
waiting for you to discover the truth that by the perfect sacrifice of His Son
Jesus, He has completely and permanently put away all your sins. You can come
before Him boldly, as if you have never ever sinned for that is how He sees you
in Christ.
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We have been reconciled to God, He is not counting
anyone’s sins against them anymore (2
Corinthians 5:18-21) We have now been given the privilege and
responsibility of sharing this Good News with others so they too can be
reconciled with God and the best part is we don’t go in our own strength – He
empowers us by His Spirit!
Isn't Our God good?!
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