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You see beloved, as subjects of the
Great King, we have the backing of His Kingdom as we carry out our Kingdom
assignments every single day. That’s why the Apostle Paul could boldly say:
4 My message and my preaching were not
with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the
Spirit’s power,5 so that your faith
might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. – 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 NIV
Our faith is to be rooted in the
power of God and not in human wisdom, and this power of God is what makes the
miraculous possible. The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power (1
Corinthians 4:20),
and miracle working power at that. Had the early church gone about preaching
powerless three point sermons, the Gospel wouldn't have had a chance,
it would've been vanquished a long time ago, thank God
they didn't!
You know what, the Gospel itself is
the power of God unto salvation, it is packed with God’s miracle working power
and that power is released as the Gospel is proclaimed. The early church moved
in the miraculous on a consistent basis, to the point they had to term some
miracles as “special” or “notable”, miracles were that commonplace. They lived
naturally supernatural lives; it was the Holy Spirit in them doing the work,
the signs, the wonders, the miracles. Peter’s shadow healed the sick...clothing
from Paul cast out demons…Phillip performed miracles in Samaria and a revival
broke out… the apostles performed many signs and wonders (Acts 5:12), you get the picture.
How the gift operates
As the name of the gift itself
suggests, operating in it requires one to step out and do or say something that
will cause a miracle to happen. Demons will not readily leave unless someone
speaks up commanding them to do so. The loaves and fishes wouldn't have
multiplied if Jesus hadn't distributed them to His disciples telling
them to distribute them to the people (John 6:11).
Tabitha wouldn't have been raised from the dead if Peter had simply
prayed and then left – after praying, he turned to the body of Tabitha and said
“Tabitha, arise” (Acts 9:40)
As we walk in love and compassion
towards others, we will be positioning ourselves as yielded vessels that God
can use to bless them. The Holy Spirit will then prompt us (He knows how to get
your attention) to say and/or do something that will trigger a miraculous
manifestation that will both glorify God and bless people.
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As we fellowship with the Holy Spirit
and become well acquainted with Him, we will know when He is asking us to do or
say something for the miraculous to manifest. Let us be careful not to take it
upon ourselves to start acting out or speaking out presumptuously hoping that
the Gift of
Working of Miracles will
operate through us and a miracle will result, to do so is to effectively open oneself
up for deception. The enemy is big on counterfeiting what God does, good thing
we are not ignorant of his devices.
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