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When the Israelites left Egypt, all their murmurings, expressions
of unbelief and what-not were met with fresh provision from God; they had
gotten accustomed to that kind of life. They complained, God opened the Red Sea
for them, they complained He gave them water, they complained some more, He
provided for them and protected them by a cloud and a pillar of fire, no less.
But when they reached Mount Sinai and presumed to be able to obey
God in their own strength, they were handed the Mosaic Covenant complete with
its strict code of conduct – the Law. Things drastically changed. Every single
violation of the Law resulted in swift and serious negative consequences.
The Law placed a heavy demand on them, they couldn't keep it, it
only caused them to be ever conscious of their shortcomings and the impending
consequences. That’s what the Law does; it shows you how you don’t measure up,
how you deserve death, how hopeless you are. It was in all points against them.
While the Law itself is perfect but it cannot make you perfect, it
can only point out your imperfections. Talk about being stuck in a miserable
They had to sacrifice yearly for their sins to be covered. So they
lived with this constant reminder of their sinfulness. Prophets showed up
declaring to them their sins and shortcomings and the impending doom that would
befall them, talk about living under a burden of sin consciousness.
Thank God, in the fullness of time He sent Jesus, who fulfilled
the Law perfectly and then proceeded to abolish it by nailing it to the cross (Colossians 2:14) and from that point on Christ ended the law so that everyone who believes in him is made right with God (Romans 10:4).
And as if that is not
enough, by His perfect sacrifice, He put away all our sin - past, present and future - once and for all. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29) and we are now reconciled to God through faith in Him. God is our Father, we can stand in His presence without fear, guilt, shame or
condemnation, we are His beloved sons and daughters.
In Christ we are no more sin conscious, why? Because our Savior
has dealt with all our sin once and for all and has freed us from a guilty conscience. And in this New Covenant of Grace
that we have with God through Christ, He re-assures us –
“12 For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more. – Hebrews 8:12 NIV
and will remember their sins no more. – Hebrews 8:12 NIV
Now if God has already decided to forgive our wickedness
and to not remember our sins anymore, when we remember and/or rehash our sins,
however we want to phrase it, we are walking in unbelief at best and idolatry
at worst. Are we more righteous than God who chose
for His own sake to forgive us and not to remember our sins? God forbid! Beloved, let us believe Him who promised and walk in the freedom He has already provided for us.
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Source: Google Images |
Hebrews 10:1-23 sums it up nicely.
Verse 22 says:
22 Sprinkled
with the blood of Christ, our hearts have been made free from a guilty
conscience, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. So come near to
God with a sincere heart, full of confidence because of our faith in Christ. – Hebrews 10:22 ERV
Don’t entertain the lies of the enemy, you are
not under the Law of Moses, your perfect Passover Lamb has already been sacrifice - In Christ, you are God's righteousness; you are freed from a guilt-ridden sin consciousness
because of what Jesus has done for you. Believe Him , and cast aside every contrary thought and the traditions of men. Even when you fail, especially when you fail, come
before your Father boldly knowing you are righteous on account of Christ’s
perfect sacrifice not your performance and receive mercy and grace to help you overcome.
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