17 And say to Archippus, “See
that you fulfill the ministry
that you have received in the Lord.” – Colossians
4:17 ESV
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Even though this particular verse was addressed to Archippus, the message
is for all of us. The Word of God instructs us to take heed that we fulfill the
ministry that has been entrusted to us. While God has graciously gifted and
equipped us, making us able ministers of the New Covenant, it is not His plan
that we launch out and toil on our own trying to fulfill our ministries.
Many times we get caught up in trying to do stuff for God, thinking we
are pleasing Him in doing so, a notion that implies we are not as pleasing to
Him when we are not busy doing ministry or ministry-related activities. The
truth is, we are well pleasing to Him all along…whether we are busy ministering
or not. We are well pleasing to our Father solely because of Jesus’ perfect
sacrifice of Himself for us on that rugged cross.
Even before Jesus preached His first sermon or ever did His first miracle,
this is what the Father said of His Only Begotten Son:
17 and behold, a voice from
heaven said, “This is my beloved
Son, with whom I am well pleased.” – Matthew 3:17 ESV
We are to fulfill our respective functions in the Body
of Christ naturally, as it were, I mean you don’t tell a hand to be a hand,
neither do you tell any body part to be that particular body part, it is
already that part, you just let each part function as it was created to
functions, let fingers do what fingers are supposed to do, legs, feet, arms and
everything else likewise and voila… the body works in perfect harmony.
Now take that analogy and apply it to the Body of
Christ with its different members, each functioning as it was graced and
equipped to function, what love, what power, what grace! You see beloved, if we
are to fulfill our ministries, then we’ll do well to take heed to do so. The
question then becomes, “how do we TAKE HEED to fulfill our ministries”? The
word “take” speaks of a willful, deliberate action that WE are responsible for.
One way we take heed to fulfill our ministries is
simply by sitting at the feet of Jesus, by receiving from Him, spending time
with Him, just enjoying Him and hanging out with Him, just Mary, Martha’s and
Lazarus’ sister. While Martha was busy serving, Mary was busy receiving from
the Lord. Martha ended up blaming Jesus and her sister.
40 But
Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said,
“Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore
tell her to help me.”
41 And
Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one
thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken
away from her.” – Luke 10:40-42 NKJV
Mary ended up ministering to Jesus by anointing His
feet with pure nard, an expensive perfume; Martha who had been busy serving,
missed out on the opportunity to minister to Jesus. The thing is, the more we
hang out with Jesus, the more we reflect Him and the more we reflect Him, the
more effective we’ll be as His life will be flowing out of us, naturally as it
were touching others and ministering to them.
Beloved, I would like to encourage you to get intimate
with Jesus, spend time with Him, there’s no formula, just do it, speak to Him
and expect Him to speak to you, He is with you and He is in you by His Spirit,
share your day with Him, talk to Him about stuff you’re facing, discuss things
with Him, get to know Him and to know His voice intimately. He is extremely
interested in everything that is going on in your life; His love for you is
Remember, Jesus said He only did what He saw the Father doing. How
did He see and hear the Father? He was in constant fellowship with Him, that’s how
and He is calling us to nothing less than continual fellowship with the
Let us not be like the Laodicean church; they were busy
trusting in their own self-efforts, doing their own thing, ignoring Him who is
the Amen, the faithful and true witness – the Risen Christ. The Lord Jesus,
Perfect Love personified, had these solemn words for them:
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the
door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. – Revelation
3:19-20 NIV
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As Jesus becomes our
magnificent obsession, our numero uno
priority, we will experience Him and all He has for us in far more glorious and
powerful ways than we ever will, should we resort to trying to fulfill our ministries
on our own.
I leave you with this relevant quote, beloved.
“Ministry is an outward flow of an inward life”.
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