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In the following verse, Jesus our Lord, without mincing
words or attaching qualifiers, very clearly gives us the devil’s “job
description” – to steal, to kill and to destroy – and then He goes on to state,
in no uncertain terms, the very reason for His coming – that we might have life
and enjoy it to the full.
10 The thief comes
only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance
(to the full, till it overflows).
– John 10:10 AMP
The thief spoken of in this verse as well as throughout
John 10 is contextually, an impostor,
a false shepherd, a false minister, bent on devouring the sheep; this impostor enters
the sheep pen through means other than through Christ who is the Chief Shepherd, the Good Shepherd and the only Door.
This thief is in essence, the enemy of our souls, the devil
who masquerades as an “angel of light”, attempting to deceive the saints, but
we are not ignorant of his schemes. The devil will not waste his time trying to
get you to commit outright sin or anything like that, no…what he wants to do is
just to get you to doubt God’s Word, for he knows if he can get us to doubt
God, then he can declare open season on us – just like he did with Adam and
Eve. Let’s not give him a foothold…The Word of God instructs us to be alert for
the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter
5:8 NIV)
Whenever the devil shows up anywhere, regardless of how
he shows up, regardless of what means he employs, his intentions are still the
same: to kill, to steal and to destroy. He knows he cannot touch you, he cannot
attack you at will but he is an opportunist, a thief and a robber, lying in
wait to deceive. That’s why we are commanded in Ephesians 4:27 to give no place to the devil. If you've given him a place in any area of your life, evict him now, send him packing in the Name of Jesus and watch him scurry off whimpering!
Our only dealings with the devil should be us reminding
him of the eternal defeat and utter humiliation he suffered at the hands of
Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We are to enforce the victory that Jesus has
won for us and to successfully do that, let’s start by believing the Words of
Jesus – “ I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10) The Word of God gives us
this insight into the reason Jesus came:
The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo
(destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done]. – 1 John 3:8b AMP
Isn't that interesting! Jesus came to destroy, to
loosen and to dissolve the works of the devil and we know the devil comes to
kill, still and destroy, but Jesus vanquished him and stripped him by His death
on the cross and His resurrection. He led a triumphant procession of victory of
the devil and his minions. The devil has since been placed squarely under the
feet of Jesus and you know what? We are His Body, ergo the devil is under our feet. Glory to Jesus!
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As a Christian, the Spirit of God lives in you and so
His life is in you and it is flowing out of you, affecting who you are and everything
you do. Believe His promises of provision and see every area that is lacking in
your life being filled to overflowing, rest in what He says and enjoy His life
in you and through you. Don’t think for one moment that God is not concerned
with some areas of your life, no, He is concerned with every area of your life
and wants you to live life to the full, glorifying His Name as you do!
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