Thursday, July 25, 2013


Source: Google Images
That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” - Mark 4: 35 NIV

They set out to go to the other side and Jesus went with them in the boat, we all know what happened, a storm arose and “waves broke over the boat”, now mind you, some of these disciples were fishermen, so it’s safe to assume they had spent many hours at sea and had had to face storms at some point but this time around they were all terrified, this fact alone speaks volumes of the magnitude of that particular storm. Interestingly, right in the middle of that anxiety and panic riddled situation, Christ was comfortably sleeping in the stern of the boat.

Jesus never panicked about anything. He was fast asleep in the boat when the storm hit. The disciples were in such a state of panic that they woke Him up accusing Him of not caring about them...that's what doubt and unbelief will cause one to do - to accuse God! 

Jesus wasn't woken up by the storm, He wasn't bothered by it, He had already told them they were going "over to the other side" His words were absolute – not “Let’s try and see if perhaps we might be able to get to the other side” NO! He said what He meant and meant what He said and He never changes so we can confidently take Him at His Word today.

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” - Mark 4: 39 - 40 NIV

Jesus rebuked the winds and ordered the waves to behave, He then wondered why they STILL didn't have faith, they had seen Him perform many many miracles. He expected them, at least by that time, to believe His words for faith comes by hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10: 17)

Up to that point, none of Jesus’ words had failed, so the disciples didn't have an excuse not to believe Him, they should have believed Him all the way…and so should we today. How many times do we listen to the lies of the enemy of our souls and find ourselves doubting God and His Word and in some cases even going as far as to accuse Him of not caring about us. The devil uses doubt and unbelief to get us to cast away our confidence in the Father’s love for us. Let us not be ignorant of his devices.

The Word of God has been tried and tested and it is forever settled in Heaven. Whenever you are tempted to doubt your Father’s Word or His promises to you, may the Holy Spirit quicken Romans 3:4 within you.

·No [Absolutely not; May it never be]! ·God will continue to be true even when every person is false [L Let God be true and every person a liar]. As the Scriptures say:
“So you will be ·shown to be right [justified] ·when you speak [L in your words], and you will ·win your case in court [L prevail when you are judged; or prevail when you judge (sin)].” – Romans 3:4 EXB

Source: Google Images
Beloved, when you are in the midst of a seemingly bleak situation remember that He who has promised is faithful and He will do it. Hold on to His promises to you knowing and believing that His words will never fall to the ground. 

God upholds ALL THINGS by the Word of His power (Hebrews 1: 3) so if He says something, it's as good as done - let's trust Him.



1 comment:

  1. Except of course nobody really knows if he existed..and nobody recorded what he is supposed to have said. All of his quotes were penned 300 years after his supposed birth by people who never met him.
