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The Apostle Paul, with all the revelations and
supernatural encounters he had, not once did he elevate his experiences above
or at the expense of the Cross of Christ, not once. He knew
everything he ever got to experience came about as a result of Christ’s
sacrifice of Himself on that rugged cross. No wonder he kept the cross of
Christ front and center in his life and epistles. He knew it was all by God’s
grace that is made available to us because of the Cross of Christ.
14 But
I will never brag about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ... – Galatians 6:14 CEV
Anytime we come across so-called “deep” teachings
on different topics such as curses, prosperity, success or whatever the
trending fad of the day is, with Christ and the Cross being but a footnote, we
are to be extremely wary! We are not to submit to any teaching that isn't Christ centered, regardless of the extra spiritual insight it purports to
convey. To glibly receive such teachings is to open ourselves up to deception
and heartache.
Beloved, everything we need is in Christ and
Christ is in us by His Spirit, we are His temple and He has promised to be with
us always; He is not a liar, He is with you beloved and you are in Him, yes even when you don’t
feel like it. Do not fall for the enemy’s lies that you are inadequate, that
you need to run around following some man made program to get that extra “anointing” to
put you over the top, as it were. We don’t need anything extra, we have Christ, the Anointed One in us.
Religion as well as traditions of men will
always want to make us feel like we lack something, like we are not complete
without a certain “anointing” and then convince
us to look to the “man of God” as the one with the answer to our “need”, after
all he’s anointed, right? Right, he may very well be anointed but…Wrong, we are
to look to Christ the Anointed One in us, the Hope of glory, not to the man of
God of the hour! To succumb to such a fleshly idea is to join the ranks of
idol worshipers – we've just made the minister our very own
special idol – anyone or anything that takes the place of God in your life
becomes your idol, it’s that simple, really.
Now, don’t get me wrong, God anoints people for
ministry but He doesn't want us to look to man for what He has already provided
for us through Christ. Yes God will use others to minister to us and built us
up in our faith, He has ordained different ministries for that but they are not
to be our “spiritual crutch”. Any minister who encourages such unhealthy
co-dependency is either insecure or immature or both and has no business
ministering, seriously.
Ministers should be teaching and reminding the
saints of who they are and what they have IN CHRIST. They should
constantly be pointing saints to the cross of Christ and His finished work
reminding them that that is the reason they too have full unrestricted access
into God’s presence as His beloved children for He is already in them.
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Source: Google Images |
Beloved, the moment you put your trust in Jesus
as your Lord and Savior, your spirit is made alive again towards Him and joined
as one to His Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17). God is no longer just your
God, He is now your Father – you share His very own Spiritual DNA as it were,
you have become one with Deity. You now have in you everything you will ever
need for life and godliness in this world (2 Peter 1:3).
You've now begun an exciting journey of
discovering what you already have in and because of Christ. Christ now
becomes the starting point, the finish point and every point in between – He
has become our very life. In God we live and move and exist…we are His children
(Acts 17:28)
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