Wednesday, May 8, 2013


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Beloved, as the message of God’s grace is setting many free from guilt and condemnation, let us not be complacent and forget that we have an enemy who is bent on deceiving us so he may draw us right back under his heavy yoke of shame, guilt and condemnation. Do not give him a foothold! The Word of God is replete with warnings to the church that we should be vigilant, we should be alert, our adversary the devil is going around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).  

Know this, that old serpent will try to get you to fall from the grace of God in which you stand by appealing to your flesh, enticing you right back under the bondage of law. He will even use ministers of the Gospel to accomplish that if they let him and sadly some ministers have offered him their pulpits. Instead of preaching Christ and Him crucified, instead of His perfect work of redeeming us being proclaimed, ear tickling, doctrines of demons are being spewed forth. 

Child of God, any message or sermon you hear, however good it makes you feel, however relevant it sounds, however persuading and convincing the minister is, if Jesus and what He’s done for us is but a footnote, beware! Anytime you hear the work of the Cross being discounted, that it’s not enough for God to accept you and bless you unless you also add x, y and z to what Christ has done, know for a fact that you are not listening to the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself on the Cross for our redemption should always be front and center.

Another thing, anything that seeks to embellish, to add onto or to sanitize the Cross of Christ for this so-called modern more advanced world we live in, is to be shunned, for it is based on human, worldly and yes even demonic wisdom that seeks to void the Cross of Christ of its power. No wonder we have many powerless churches today, human wisdom has taken center stage. We have our cute little unhealthy co-dependency enhancing agendas going on, we are as busy as ever with very little to no results. 

Of late, we have been inundated with messages about how much God has already blessed us in Christ and all that is ours because of what Christ has done, it's all good stuff. The question is, what are we doing with His blessings and the inheritance we have in Him? Are we being complacent now that we are under grace? God forbid, for that would mean His grace is of no effect to us, or to put it bluntly we are wasting His grace. 

The Apostle Paul who said:

10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. – 1 Corinthians 15:10 NIV

Child of God, don’t let the grace of God in your life be in vain, but rather let it empower you to fulfill your destiny in Christ, let it make you an effective minister of the New Covenant. Now that we've been empowered by God’s grace, let us go forth boldly and bless others with this Good News.

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. – 2 Peter 3:17 – 18 NIV

What is this error of the lawless, you ask? It’s right there in the chapter (2 Peter 3), for one, it is thinking you have all the time in the world and through
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that attitude complacency sets in, we let down our guards and before we know it, it’s reckoning time and 
we've done absolutely nothing with God’s grace and all that He has freely blessed us with. The only way not to be caught off guard is to keep on growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. And we grow by continually obeying the Word and putting it into practice.

We can do all things through Christ, He is the one who strengthens us by His Spirit within us. The Holy Spirit is your Helper, let Him help you, cultivate a relationship with Him, converse with Him, obey Him and allow His grace to be effective in your life.

Beloved, don’t let God’s Grace go to waste in your life!   

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