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Beloved, you do not need to go on living
a miserable life weighed down by guilt because of your sins and failures. Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, our Lord and Savior has already dealt with all our sins
once for all; all our sins, past, present and future have been atoned for by His
death on that rugged tree.
Jesus came and lived a sinless life,
after which as the perfect, sinless, spotless lamb of God, He gave His life for
us, He offered Himself up as a sin offering to take away the sins of the world
and by doing so, reconcile the world to himself. John the Baptist had a revelation of Jesus as
the Lamb of God that would be sacrificed for the sins of the human race.
29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! – John 1:29 NKJV
you put your trust in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are born again and all
your sins are wiped away, never to be remembered or brought up again by God.
You are now a child of God and the Father’s desire is for you to live with the
full assurance of His love for you. Under the New Covenant that was sealed by
the Blood of Jesus, the Father doesn't want you to live with sin consciousness.
consciousness is evil, as it is contrary to what God says about sin and about
you. Sin consciousness is accompanied by feelings of inferiority, inadequacy
and a sense of not measuring up. Sin consciousness screams: “Look at you, you
are such a failure” It seeks to get your eyes off of Jesus and on yourself and
your shortcomings. The enemy uses it to distract and paralyze believers. There
is nothing good about being sin conscious.
Abba Father doesn't remember your sins anymore, look at what God
said He would do under the New Covenant, of which you are a beneficiary:
12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,
and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” – Hebrews 8:12 NKJV
if God says He won’t remember your sins, you have no business digging them up
and dragging them around with you. Even if you feel bad about the sins you've committed, you are not to beat yourself up over them or to grovel for
forgiveness over and over. In Christ, your Father who loves you perfectly and eternally
has already forgiven you freely and He doesn't want you wallowing in
guilt, shame or condemnation. Jesus has already paid the price for your
redemption, show your appreciation by enjoying what He's provided for you, live for Him or better yet, let Him live through you!
know what, those feelings of unworthiness because of your past sins, are not from the Holy Spirit, they
are at best, from your flesh and you are most likely being influenced by a
religious spirit, reject them and by faith turn to your Father and receive an
abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness which are yours in Christ.
continually feel bad about what you've done may seem like a pious and noble
thing to do, but in reality it is a form of pride, unbelief and idolatry. It is
pride because you feel that YOU need to do something to make things right, implying
that what Jesus did wasn't enough, you must also suffer for your sins.To think that
YOU constantly need to deal with your sin is to walk in unbelief, Jesus took
care of the sin problem, you have His Word, believe it! Ultimately it is idolatry, because it is now all about
YOU, what YOU must do because of what YOU did, you are actually becoming an
idol unto yourself. Don’t go there!
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Abba Father wants you to be bold and free in His presence, you are His child,
you are perfectly loved by Him and that is not dependent on your performance
but solely on what Jesus did. Once you come to Him, you are set free from sin
and all the guilt that is associated with it, so don’t let yourself be brought
under any form of sin consciousness. You are now the righteousness of God in
Christ, yes you are perfectly righteous before the Father.
All your sins past,
present and future have been dealt with once and for all at the Cross of
Be Son conscious today, not sin conscious!
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