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Amassing knowledge of the Word of God is a very good thing, studying the
Word to acquaint yourself with the promises of God is very important. Spending
time in the Word to know the will of God for a situation you are facing is
certainly a wise thing to do.
However, if we stop short of doing what the Word instructs us to, if we
neglect to put the Word of God into practice, if we are not walking in
obedience to the Word that we already know, we are opening ourselves up for
deception. Hearing the Word and not doing it is akin to giving the enemy a
place, an inroad into our lives, a foothold and the Word of God commands us not
to give him a foothold (Ephesians 4:27).
22 Do not merely
listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the
word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a
mirror 24 and, after
looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. - James 1: 22 - 24 NIV
Now, since
the Word of God is our mirror, just as we look into natural mirrors to groom
ourselves, we must look into the Word to groom our souls. To make sure we look
good spiritually, we must look into this mirror – the Word – on a regular
basis. If you look into a natural mirror daily to avoid looking unkempt,
unprepared or outright unsightly, how much more should you look into the Word,
your spiritual mirror to see and be reminded of who and what you are in Christ.
It is interesting that the Holy Spirit
likens hearing the Word and not doing it to looking into a mirror and immediately
forgetting what you look like. You see, when we fail to do what the Word
instructs us to do we have essentially forgotten who we truly are in
Christ and that leads us to act contrary to the Word. Failure to
remember who we now are according to the Word of God, will always result in us walking in the flesh, having pridefully deluded ourselves that we know what the Word says.
Because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice of Himself our sins have been put
away once and for all and now since we have put our trust in Him, we have
eternal life. As you look into this "mirror" some of the things you
will see about yourself in Christ are these: -
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You have been reconciled to God, You are a new creation in Christ, you
are God’s child, you are the Lord's beloved, you are the righteousness of God, you
are Holy before God, God doesn't keep a record of your sins, you are more than
a conqueror, you are seated with Christ far above all principalities and
powers, your God has promised to supply all your needs. You have been blessed
with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ, and a whole lot
May the Holy Spirit continually remind us of who we are in Christ as we
keep on looking into this blessed mirror everyday!
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