Saturday, May 25, 2013


The Bible is replete with accounts of people who received visions and promises of great things to come. For most of them the visions or the promises didn't come immediately, they had to wait for some time, some for very long and some even did not receive the promises during their lifetime but still kept on trusting and believing the Word of God that came to them.

Source: Google Images
Can you imagine Isaiah, prophesying of the virgin birth of Christ who would be called Emmanuel, hundreds of years before it happened? He believed it but never lived to see it (Isaiah 7:14). Imagine Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and almost all the prophets prophesying things that they wouldn't even live to see, but they remained faithful to the Word of God that came to them. Even though they did not get to experience what God had promised, they were all commended for their faith, according to Hebrews 11:39.

And then there are others who received promises from God and had to wait a while before they were realized. Abraham and Sarah come to mind. They were promised a son but had to wait about 25 years (loaded with ups and downs) before that came to pass. As a child, Joseph had dreams of how he would rule the then known world, we all know what ensued before his dreams materialized. These are just two  examples of individuals with promises from God; though it took time, in the end they were not disappointed.

When God gives you a vision or a promise, be sure of one thing, He is well able to bring to pass what He has promised. It may take time, it may not happen the way we thought it should, it may not even look like it’s going to come to pass, but if He spoke it, remain faithful to Him and it will certainly come to pass.

Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God. – Isaiah 66:9 NIV  

After giving us His promises, God begins to work on us to get us to a place where we are ready for what He has promised and that may take some time. If He’s called you to a place of more responsibility, He will definitely want to build in you the character and fortitude to correctly and efficiently handle the responsibility that He is about to entrust you with.

Joseph’s childhood dreams (from God) of becoming a great leader coupled with his father’s extra special favor on him greatly annoyed his brothers to the point that they decided to get rid of him and they did, or so they thought, by selling him into slavery. He must have been wondering, whatever happened to all those dreams? Where is God in all of this? The Psalmist gives us a glimpse into what was actually happening during that time:

        19 Until the time came to fulfill his dreams,
        the Lord tested Joseph’s character. – Psalm 105:19 NLT

You see, beloved, Joseph’s character was being molded for the great responsibility that awaited him. Even though he had no idea how things would work out, He continued to trust and obey God during all that time. How do I know that? Well he wouldn't commit adultery with Potipher’s wife, he called it “sinning against God”. How did He know that seeing that the Law was even in existence at that point? Anyone who thinks the Law prevents people from sinning should take a good look at Joseph, he wasn't under the Law, He didn't even know the Law but He didn't succumb to sin, He was under the Abrahamic grace covenant, that’s another topic all together, I digress… The only plausible explanation would be, Joseph had a relationship with God, He knew God and that resulted in him being filled with wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Eventually, his dreams came true. The Word of God came to pass.

The prophet Habakkuk was specifically instructed to write down the vision and was told that even though it tarries wait for it, for it will not tarry…here’s the Scripture:
Source: Google Images

Then the Lord answered me,
        “Write the vision.
        Make it clear on tablets so that anyone can read it quickly.
The vision will still happen at the appointed time.
    It hurries toward its goal.
    It won’t be a lie.
    If it’s delayed, wait for it.
    It will certainly happen.
    It won’t be late.Habakkuk 2:2-3 GW

Hang on to that word, that vision, that promise that the Lord has given you, for He who has spoken is not a man that He should lie, neither is He a son of man that He should change His mind. He who has called you is faithful and He will do it. 

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