Tuesday, May 7, 2013


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God is right where you are right now, remember He is Omnipresent, He is right there with you as you go through life. He is right there with you at all times. Why then, let fear rob you of your peace? Why then, let fear cause you to doubt His Word? Why then, let worries and anxiety overtake you? Have you forgotten Who is with you? Have you forgotten the Creator of the Universe is there with you and He is in you? Have you forgotten that He is both your God and your Father?  

As a loving responsible Father, He will not give you a stone when you ask Him for bread; neither will He give you a snake if you ask for fish (Matthew 7:9-11). Every gift He has for you His beloved child is both good and perfect, and not He is more eager to lavish His love and provisions on you than you are to receive them. Your Father has your best interest at heart.

17 Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn't change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon. – James 1:17 GW

Your Father never changes and doesn't lie, He means what He says and says what He means. If you have His Word on anything, it’s as good as done! What He has promised to you, He will bring to pass, trust Him. Don’t let the enemy use your circumstances to cause you to start accusing Him of being the source of stuff that is contrary to His Word and Nature in your life. 

Know this, as you rest in God and His Word, the enemy will always try to get you to focus on your seemingly worsening circumstances. His aim is to cause you to think God has deserted you because of some past failure or sin on your part. The enemy wants you to ultimately accuse your Father of being uncaring and unloving, the total opposite of what His Word says He is. The devil will also seek to incapacitate you with shame and guilt. Don’t fall for any of that, either. In Christ you have been made the righteousness of God and your Father has promised to remember your sins no more. In Christ you are holy and perfectly accepted before the Father.

He is right there with you and in you, whether you feel it or not. Not only that, know this, He is there with you because He loves you dearly and wants only the very
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best for you. He so desires for you to share your life with Him, don’t just relegate your relationship with your Father to a weekly encounter such as a church service or any other formal settings. He desires an intimate relationship with you, make it a priority to include your Father in all your activities today, talk to Him, ask for His input as you go about your day and listen to Him as He shares His heart with you. You are His dwelling place, His habitation.

Hold on to your confession of faith; He who has called you is faithful and He will do it. He has promised and will surely bring it to pass. 

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