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Many of us today struggle to just stay
afloat, that is, to pay bills and barely cover living expenses. We go from one
job to the next, praying and worrying in between, hoping for some kind of a
break. We spend virtually no time with the Lord, apart from those brief, under
our breath, “Jesus, help me” type prayers as we busily go through our day. We
are overwhelmed and stressed out.
Have we forgotten that we are children
of the Most High? Have we forgotten that He is our Father? Have we forgotten
that He loves us immensely? Have we forgotten that He is Our Jehovah Jireh?
Have we forgotten that He has promised to supply all our needs according to His
riches in glory by Christ Jesus? Have we forgotten His numerous promises of
provision and supply? Have we stopped believing His Word?
Jesus said:
31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we
eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For
your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. – Matthew 6: 31 – 33 NKJV
We are instructed not to worry, we are
assured that God knows our needs, we are instructed to first seek Him – first,
not after everything else, but first to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness
and then, and only then, will all these things (all the stuff we need) that we've been running after, be added unto us.
Now, someone might be wondering, what
does seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness mean? What does it
Well, here’s how I see it, the Kingdom
of God is not something hidden that we have to go looking after, no. The
Kingdom of God is where God rules and reigns, the Kingdom of God is in us and
we are in it, we who are in Christ have relinquished the reigns of our life to
Him, He is our God and our King now. The Apostle Paul said, “it is no longer I
that lives but Christ...” (Galatians
2:20 NIV)
In a Kingdom, the word of the King is
the final authority, you go against it to your own detriment, likewise in the
Kingdom of God the Word of God is the final authority and when we violate it (through doubt, unbelief, disobedience etc.),
we essential cut ourselves off from what the King’s word promises, we undermine
our own blessings, but He is still abundantly gracious to us, unlike earthly
Whatever God, the Great King says is
what goes, not our opinions, ideas or suggestions, as good as they may seem to
us. His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are higher than ours. His
word is His will and in His Kingdom, His will is done.
Because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice
that put away our sins once and for all, His Righteousness has now become ours
– we who believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We are now clothed with God’s
very own Righteousness and can stand in His presence without any sense of
shame, guilt or condemnation. We can now come before Him boldly and freely
receive all that He has for us, we know we are eternally and perfectly loved by
our Abba.
As we prioritize our relationship with God and pursue His will,
He will make sure all our needs are met. He desires to have an intimate relationship
with us, He knows us and now wants us to know Him, to know His heart, and He
has made that possible by reconciling us to Himself through the Cross of
As you get to know Him, you’ll know
His ways and not just His acts; as His
character rubs off on you, your dealings
will reflect it and guess what? His blessings will be overtaking you
everywhichway you turn and your bottom line will be positively affected as
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Source: Google Images |
As His will prospers in your life, so
will you prosper in every area!
You are in His Kingdom, you have His
righteousness – now live according to the Word of the Great King, your God,
your Father and enjoy every blessing He has for you.
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