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In the natural we know that every
creature reproduces after its own kind, humans give birth to human babies, dogs
to puppies, cows to calves and so on. By the same token, if you are in Christ,
you are a child of God. God is your Father who loves you eternally and
unconditionally. You've probably heard that many times over, but have you
really stopped to meditate on what that really means? What does it mean to be a
child of God? What does it mean to be born of God? What does it all entail?
The enemy doesn't want us to come to
the realization that we are God's beloved children, members of the household of God so
that we will continue living with a spiritual identity crisis, and instead of living out of our true identity, we would waste time chasing
after what we already have in Christ. In the meantime he continues wrecking havoc in the lives of people around us.
Now to be born of God would mean, you
share in His Divine Nature, that is part of what makes God who He is. In a sense you are like
Him, that’s why you can call Him Father, you are not only created in His image
and likeness, but now your spirit and His have been joined as one (1 Corinthians 6:17). Angels as mighty
and powerful and holy as they are, cannot and do not dare call God, Father.
That is a special privilege that belongs to you and me, the redeemed of the
Lord. Religion would frown upon the idea that God is your Daddy. That is why
the Jews and their religious leaders couldn't stand it when Jesus referred to
God as His Abba, His Father, that was unheard of, to religion it is
Remember the reasoning of
the Jews who wanted to kill Jesus for calling God His Father?
17 But
Jesus answered them, “My
Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”
18 Therefore
the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the
Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God.
– John 5:17-18 NKJV
Every time you address God as your Father,
you are exercising your privilege as one of His beloved children,
you are part of His family and our adoption into this glorious family of God
has been sealed by the His Spirit who lives in us. If you are in Christ, you
are part of God’s family, it is a done deal.
Jesus came to redeem us and reconcile
us back to God, He once and for all by His death on the cross took care of sin
and all its consequences on the cross. Sin had separated us from fellowship
with God, sin had alienated us from the life of God. We lived in terror and
fear of the Almighty, woefully falling short of His standard of righteousness,
purity and holiness. The thought that the Almighty loves us unconditionally was
foreign to us. It was not until Jesus came declaring and demonstrating the love
of God to us, that we got to see God in a totally different light.
No one dared to pray to God as Father, no one but
Jesus, and when His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He taught
them to pray by addressing God as “Our Father …” Jesus called all those who
believe in Him and do the will of His Father, His brethren. We are family, yes Jesus and us are family. Mind boggling, isn't it?!
50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my
brother and sister and mother." – Matthew
12:50 NIV
After His resurrection, Jesus says
this to Mary Magdalene, completely removing any doubt whether God is a Father
to us believers too:
17Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet
ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am
ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" – John 20:17 NIV
Child of God, as you go through life,
may the Holy Spirit keep on reminding you of who you are and who God is to you
because of and through what Jesus did. He is your Abba Father, your Daddy , He’s not a God
who is afar off, He lives in you by His Spirit. You have your Daddy’s DNA in
your spirit. As your mind is being renewed to this very foundational truth, your
conduct will align itself with your true identity – that of a child of God.
You are your Abba Father's child, let your life reflect that reality today!
Thank you for sharing this refreshing message brother Patrick. Oh how we need this to sink in!