Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Source: Google Images
Many will readily agree that God is all powerful, everywhere present and all knowing; many have no problem believing that He is the Creator of all things, visible and invisible. Many have no problem believing that God can do anything and everything as He pleases. Now, all these beliefs can be substantiated by Scripture and to us who believe in Jesus, Scripture is our final authority.

Many believers today have no problem believing that God is good and that He desires only the best for His children. Many have no problem believing that God performs miracles today; that He heals and delivers. Most of us have no problem believing that God is well able to meet our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. However, we do have a problem when we are the ones in need of a miracle from God, be it healing or provision or what-have-you.

Our problem is not so much with God’s ability to provide, but rather with His willingness to provide for us. While we don’t question His ability to heal us, we question His willingness to do so. Remember the story of the leper who came to Jesus? He didn’t doubt Jesus’ ability to heal him but His willingness to do so. Sad to say, not much has changed today. I’m glad my Lord and Savior settled the leper’s (and our) doubts on His willingness to meet our needs.

40 A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,” he said. 41 Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” 42 Instantly the leprosy disappeared, and the man was healed.Mark 1:40 – 42 NLT

When the enemy succeeds at getting you to look at yourself, then he knows you will not be receiving anything from the Father, not because the Father is unwilling to provide, but rather it’s because we are now busy trying to qualify to receive from Him based on how good we’ve been.

The thing is, if you are in Christ, you are the righteousness of God and in giving us Jesus, the Father has given us all things together with Him. The moment you start toiling to qualify for God’s blessings, you void and frustrate His grace towards you. Jesus is your High Priest and your Advocate with the Father, so rest in Him, you are unconditionally loved and already accepted in the beloved.  

You see beloved, many times we are quick to disqualify ourselves based on our performance and by doing so we short-circuit and limit what God can and wants to do in and through our lives. So when you are tempted to think that God won’t meet your need because you fell into sin or because you didn’t pray long and hard enough, remember this: Christ is the one who qualifies us, it is His performance we rest in and count on, not ours. We should always fix our eyes on Jesus, the Perfect One not on ourselves.

Do not let the accuser beat you over the head with your less than stellar performance, instead look to Jesus and let the Holy Spirit transform you into the same image as you behold the Lord’s glory. May the Holy Spirit remind you that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ and that you’ve already passed from death to life because you believe in Jesus.

Source: Google Images
Beloved, God is not only able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you may think or ask, but He is also more than willing to abundantly supply everything you need. God is not looking for excuses not to bless you, no, that’s the enemy’s lie, He has already given us numerous promises of His blessings and all of them are “yes and amen” in Christ.

Because of what Jesus did, we who put our trust in Him are qualified to receive everything that God has promised in His Word, our confidence is in Christ and His perfect sacrifice for us, not in our performance, however good or bad it may be.


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